Depression, Anxiety, Mind Racing, and Fatigue: 300 Reasons Why You Need To Be Aware of Gluten During the Holiday Season

By Ann Hutyra, MHH Lead Biological Health Coach, CGP, IIN, MHHCP Health Coach

Being gluten free is pretty commonplace these days. We likely all know someone who is gluten free, or maybe you’re gluten free yourself. More and more people are making the choice to remove wheat and gluten from their diet, mainly because they find out they feel better when they do.

So what’s the big deal with gluten anyway?

Let’s start with understanding what gluten actually is. Gluten is the protein found in wheat, rye, and barley. Over time, different farming practices combined with genetic modification of these grains have caused the gluten protein to grow in size. Many scientists and experts believe this is the reason that so many people are developing gluten sensitivities, intolerances, and even celiac disease. There’s also the glyphosate factor, and the excessive use of this pesticide is linked to wheat and other food sensitivities (but that’s a whole other conversation!)

Latest statistics say 7 in 10 people react to gluten

…and most don’t know because they don’t have immediate symptoms that can correlate with gluten ingestion. Meaning, they eat it, and don’t get sick right away – so they think all is well with gluten. That is just not true for most people – 70% of people to be more precise.

Did you know there are more than 300 symptoms, conditions, and serious diseases that can be associated with a small cross-contamination of gluten?!

They include:

  • Severe headaches and migraines
  • Constipation or diarrhea or BOTH alternating  (IBS) 
  • Painful and severe Bloating
  • Chronic fatigue and brain fog
  • Depression & anxiety (and bi-polar type mood swings)
  • Inability to lose (or gain) weight
  • Skin conditions (eczema, psoriasis, rosacea, acne, etc.)
  • Thyroid problems
  • Hormone imbalances
  • Joint pain & body pain (often misdiagnosed arthritis conditions)
  • Recurring chronic anemia
  • Nutrient deficiencies
  • Miscarriage
  • Autoimmune disease of all kinds
  • And MANY MANY more…

I tell my clients all the time – consider that GLUTEN is a major root cause of your symptoms and inability to heal.

And I often get the same answers… 

“I’ve already tried going gluten free for a few weeks and didn’t feel any better….” or 
“I have been about 95% gluten free for years, and my symptoms haven’t changed…”  

I really can’t tell you how many times I have heard variations of those responses. Very simply put – being 95% gluten free is NOT enough to calm an inflammatory response from gluten, and 2 weeks (even two months) is not nearly long enough in the majority of cases, for that inflammatory response to calm down. These inflammatory responses manifest as headaches, migraines, skin conditions, and autoimmune diseases. And 297 other manifestations of dis-ease caused by even the smallest gluten ingestion. 

Did you know that it takes an amount as small as a few breadcrumbs of gluten to cause an inflammatory response in the body? A few breadcrumbs!! That’s a tiny amount. 

Meaning, that if you have just a few breadcrumbs every 5 to 6 months, you are restarting that inflammatory cycle every time. The body never gets a chance to calm the immune response and shift to healing, if you’re 95% gluten free. With a gluten free lifestyle – either you’re gluten free or not, there’s no gray area

Did you also know that an inflammatory response from gluten can last up to 6 months?

Going 100% gluten free, even checking to make sure there’s no gluten in your body care and makeup products, will always be what I recommend to my clients with any level of gluten sensitivity. 

So how do you know if you are sensitive to wheat, and what peptides in wheat you are sensitive to? We love the Wheat Zoomer test – it gives a very clear and complete look at how wheat and gluten are affecting your body. Here is a link to a free webinar on this test, which you can rewatch here:

Over the years we have witnessed firsthand how hard it can be for people trying to adopt a new food regimen free of gluten. While it’s not really hard, it does take some time and expert guidance to help you be successful. And you’re in luck because we can help!

After a Celiac and Hashimoto’s autoimmune diagnosis of my own, I too needed to learn to become 100% gluten free so that I could heal and get my life and vitality back. It has become my passion to help other people have an easier transition into a gluten free lifestyle – in fact, I am so passionate about it – I have taken all the tips and tricks I have learned over the past 10 years, and compiled that into an easy 8-week course for you!

We have our ‘go at your own pace’ Gluten Freedom Course packed with over 45 gluten free recipes and holiday baking recipes you will LOVE and the secrets to becoming gluten free and loving your gluten free lifestyle. 

Get it while it’s on Sale Now: Gluten Freedom: An 8-Week Journey to Eliminating Gluten and Reclaiming Your Health.

This course is a MUST-HAVE for everyone’s health and wellness library!

This 8-week program will take you through all you need to know to be successful at a gluten free lifestyle, including:

  • What to eat and not eat
  • What products are safe to eat
  • Why some gluten free labeled products are NOT safe
  • How to label read for gluten (you’ll never see the word gluten in an ingredient list!)
  • Why your body care needs to be gluten free
  • What symptoms can be associated with gluten sensitivity
  • What testing is my favorite
  • Why prebiotics are crucial, and how to get them through food
  • Why pathogenic infection is so common with gluten sensitivity and how to address it
  • How to ultimately heal your gut
  • And so much more!!!


Gluten Freedom: An 8-Week Journey to Eliminating Gluten and Reclaiming Your Health is available for you to purchase for a limited time, for only $97!! This is a special introductory price, and won’t be available for long. As part of the course, one module will be available each week, for you to watch at your own pace.

I am really excited for you to join me on this journey, and learn how adopting a gluten free lifestyle can be life changing, without having to be complicated. Cheers to YOU, your health, and your vitality!

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