Crusaders for Health Newsletter: Edition 4

Dr. Elena Villanueva and Modern Holistic Health
Dr. Elena Villanueva is an international speaker, health influencer, & co-author of The Longevity Code. She teaches evidence based approaches for finding & treating the underlying causes of chronic illness & brain related conditions. Dr. V’s unique approach incorporates the merging of science and spirituality & the integration of the mind/body/spirit.

As seen on…

Elena is the producer and host of the Mental Health MasterclassInflammation MasterclassMastering Trauma MasterclassThe Leaky Brain SummitYour Brain & Mental Health: What They Aren’t Telling Youand the all new Beyond The Pill Masterclass, plus the TribeTalk Podcast. Find information on these topics and more relevant to your health and holistic healing at

An Introduction to Psychedelics: 10 ways they can help heal trauma, PTSD, and chronic disease

In the 1950s and 60s, scientists and researchers began performing trials to study the effects and benefits of psychedelic substances. Scientists believed psychedelics had a great deal of potential, but due to political interests and the targeted conditioning that created a social stigma around the use of psychedelics, research soon ground to a halt.

Since the early 2000s, however, psychedelic therapy has experienced a great resurgence around the world by both researchers as well as the public. Scientists are beginning to unlock the potential for psychedelics to treat mental health conditions like depression, anxiety, bipolar, schizophrenia, PTSD, and even neurodegenerative diseases such as Alzheimer’s. In addition, psychedelics show great results for boosting mood, helping addiction, and even reducing pain.

And that’s not all. Psychedelics aren’t only capable of assisting people to heal from serious conditions; they are also sought out for their ability to expand our minds, and are also desired by many for spiritual growth. That’s right – these drugs may be able to not only help treat mental health and other physical illnesses and conditions, they can also help communities as a whole around the globe become happier, healthier, and more connected.

Psychedelic therapy is showing incredible promise for a wide range of psychological as well as physical conditions. In fact, there are no less than three MDMA studies being conducted right now for the treatment of PTSD with promising results. Psychedelic therapy is now at the forefront of mental health research. With scientific evidence that these substances are highly effective in treating serious conditions like depression, anxiety, addiction, OCD and PTSD, they’re taking center stage.

In addition to being used to treat trauma sufferers, psychedelics have been shown to make a huge impact on mental health and physical health as well.

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Speaking of psychedelics, we invite you to take advantage of this upcoming event to learn more…

Enjoy learning about mushrooms & psychedelics at The New Science of Ancient Medicines

Did you know that over the last 10 years, nearly every academic institution in the world has been conducting studies on mushrooms and psychedelics?

These medicines are well on the way to changing healthcare as we know it.

In fact, new studies are being published almost daily on their wide range of unprecedented benefits.

This NEW scientific research is revealing that these ANCIENT remedies can reverse the effects of trauma, chronic illness, mental health challenges and addictions, and make us more resilient so that we can maintain those gains long-term. In fact, we are conducting research of our own and our case studies are showing huge success!

Join me to explore scientific and traditional perspectives on these earth-based medicines and the power they have to help you, your pets, your garden and the planet to be healthy, balanced and deeply resilient.

—>> Learn more when you attend this complimentary, online event!

The New Science of Ancient Medicines could help you answer questions like:

→  Are psychedelics addictive?
→  What is psilocybin?
→  Why should someone engage with psychedelic medicines?
→  Is psychedelic therapy safe for those who have experienced sexual trauma?
→  Do psychedelics amplify awareness?
→  What’s the difference between decriminalization & legalization?
→  What are the anti-disease properties of medicinal mushrooms?
→  Get answers to these and many more questions!

Be sure to mark your calendar for March 7-13, 2022!

Why attend this important health event?

Your host, Dr. Maya Shetreat, MD. works and studies with indigenous communities and healers from around the world and is a lifelong student of ethnobotany, plant healing and the sacred.

Like many of us, she grew up learning that mushrooms and psychedelics were dangerous. But when she started learning with her teacher in Ecuador, she began to understand that these are foods and medicines that have existed since long before humans and that there is deep healing associated with them. She immersed herself in the science, and as she saw very sick and stuck patients improve profoundly, she knew she had to share these medicines with the world.

She’s here to help you by sharing what she’s learned. You’ll get the chance to not only learn from Dr Shetreat, you will learn from several experts including myself… so definitely jump in to register for this one! This is ANOTHER big change happening in medicine and if you want to be at the forefront of understanding the future of medicine, you will want to register for this and mark it in your calendar now!

—>> I’ll see you online at The New Science of Ancient Medicines: Heal Trauma & Build Resilience when you register now!

P.S. When you register for The New Science of Ancient Medicines: Heal Trauma & Build Resilience, you’ll also unlock early-access interviews, complimentary guides and helpful eBooks about the power mushrooms and psychedelics have to transform your mental and physical health!

My Healing Journey Home

Here’s my story and how I ended up as one of the lead coaches for the Modern Holistic Health team. For almost three years (after graduating college), I had been living to travel, working seasonally with the only goal being to chase summer in my Sprinter camper van or by buying a plane ticket to switch hemispheres if necessary. I was living the dream and had no intention of slowing down.

It was February of 2019. I had been living my dream traveling abroad for a seasonal stay in Queenstown, New Zealand. I was there for three months to take in the amazing scenery there and spend as much time riding my mountain bike as possible so that I could take in every bit of one of the most beautiful places on the planet. I was only halfway through this trip of a lifetime when I fully realized something was wrong.

My anxiety that had always been manageable was suddenly gripping me and causing depression too. Looking back, I can now see that I had many health issues going on that I had been ignoring. For years I had been performing like a high-performance athlete, but I had not been taking care of my body so that it COULD perform at a high performance pace (without consequences).

Over the course of a few years, I had slowly developed disordered eating, and my dietary choices were as unhealthy and out of control as ever. In addition, my anxiety and depression swings and negative self-talk were at their peak. Looking back, I can see now that I was in a constant state of misalignment in mind, body, and spirit. In addition to my physical and mental health crashing down, I also felt very alone then, which just precipitated my symptoms and made them worse. (I now know this is a state of being and a reality that I created for myself. This is your reminder that you are not alone either.)

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Soaking in Magnesium Baths with Kristen Bowen

In this episode of TribeTalk, Dr. V and Ann learn all about the benefits of magnesium soaks from a woman who used the treatment as part of her healing journey from a severe titanium allergy.

Kristen Bowen is a magnesium advocate, social entrepreneur, and Founder of Living The Good Life Naturally. It took a complete health crash that led Kristen to create Living the Good Life Naturally in 2002. A bladder surgery where titanium was put into her body left Kristen bedridden,

depressed, and in a wheelchair with daily seizures. Since overcoming that health crisis – she has spent the last two decades helping women become comfortable with their power, so that they can create optimal health.

Starting with one-on-one consultations with clients, to farmers markets for the bath and body line, Kristen’s business quickly moved from the small kitchen and extra bedroom in her home to a retail space in Logan, Utah. She hosted a Rocky Mountain radio show for seven years on KVNU Talk Radio where she answered questions on natural health. This led to workshops, and keynote opportunities at natural health conferences. This quickly led into needing a full-time team to produce products, deal with marketing, and run our retail shop, online classes, and guest podcasting/live classes.

Use coupon code DRELENA at to benefit from Good Life’s Transdermal Magnesium.

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My Chemical Free Body with Tim James

Tim James found himself, in his late 30s – overweight, out of shape, and overall unhealthy. While supporting a friend who was diagnosed with cancer, Tim was able to see incredible weight loss and regain his own health. In this episode of TribeTalk, learn how Tim’s own health journey has labeled him the Health Hero and inspired him to start Chemical Free Body, a line of nutrition supplements that is unlike any other.

Tim James is known as the Health Hero and the founder of Chemical Free Body. He leads people to discover how health impacts wealth and how to get the most out of their minds by getting the most out of their bodies! Tim has had his own health journey, and you can hear him talk about that and his incredible weight loss on his podcast The Health Hero Podcast.

Listen Now

Another insightful testimonial from a MHH client…

Testing, supplementation, and treatment gives Diane hope for a happier, healthier future

I’m so thankful that I heard Dr. V on an interview because I had been looking for more comprehensive testing to resolve some lingering health issues with digestion, brain fog, joint pain, and sinus congestion. My naturopathic doctor is great and I’ve improved with lots of food sensitivity testing, herbal supplements, gut healing, hormone support, and cleanses in the past years, but I found myself desiring deeper healing because I knew I should be feeling better with such a healthy diet and lifestyle.

After listening to the Masterclass, and signing up for the recommended testing and program, I knew I had found my answer. I really appreciate the personal coaching sessions, online support team responsiveness, and extensive lessons which cover virtually every area of healing and healthy living. Also, I’m learning so much from the classes from coaches and other participants.

Most importantly, I finally feel like I’m getting to the root causes of my various health problems. Since the labs showed such high levels of mycotoxins I had my home tested and found mold hidden between the walls. Getting this toxic mold out of my house, and making some other changes including diet, has already helped me start feeling better – and I’m only in month 3 so far.

Following such a complete plan of testing, supplementation and treatment that targets and supports my body’s specific needs gives me hope for a happier, healthier future. A big Thank You to Dr. V. and the team for such caring, compassionate help!

Diane I. (12/14/2021)

Clients like Diane have improved their heart health with our protocols, and we are excited to recommend this CardioVascular Docu-class as well…

EXPOSED: Big Pharma’s lies about heart disease

What’s the first thing you think of when I say…. HEART DISEASE?

There’s a good chance you immediately thought… CHOLESTEROL!

That’s because the pharmaceutical industry has spent 40 years (and billions of dollars) promoting the idea that your cholesterol levels are associated with heart disease.

We’ve been teaching our clients for years that cholesterol is NOT the enemy here. In fact, cholesterol is one of your BEST friends! It’s not only necessary for proper immune function, it’s also necessary for proper brain function, nervous system function, and even hormone production and balance! The latest heart health research is also showing that cholesterol is NOT the enemy anymore – it’s actually your friend!

Following such a complete plan of testing, supplementation and treatment that targets and supports my body’s specific needs gives me hope for a happier, healthier future. A big Thank You to Dr. V. and the team for such caring, compassionate help!

Diane I. (12/14/2021)

That’s just one of the many truth bombs dropped during the Cardiovascular Docu-Class hosted by my good friend, Jonathan Landsman!

Most people don’t know this but, cholesterol is ESSENTIAL for life.

Here are just a few more details on what I just mentioned about cholesterol and all the chemical reactions that require cholesterol so our body can work properly… Cholesterol is needed for:

  • Female hormones (like estrogen, progesterone, and estradiol)
  • Male hormones (like testosterone)
  • Adrenal hormones (like cortisol and DHEA)
  • Vitamin D (sunlight + cholesterol = vitamin D!!)
  • Cell membranes (comprised of 30% cholesterol)
  • … plus, so much more!

This information could literally save your life, or the life of someone you love dearly. Join me for this super important education about your heart health and what REALLY matters when it comes to your heart!

Go Save Your Seat.

This letter from our client, Robyn, is a wonderful testament to how our programs help people live their best life…

“I feel like I’m alive again & better than I can remember.”

Dear Dr V,

Thank goodness you do this work to help people thrive. I have struggled with anxiety, panic & depression since a teenager. I have tried many times to get help from doctors, psychologists, counselors & therapy groups since [the] 1960’s. Nothing relieved my problems. In 2018 I read a book called, “The Autoimmune Solution” by Amy Myers MD. This put me on a path to healing. In 2020, Jonathan Otto was talking about Modern Holistic Health [in] his email. This sounded like the help I needed.

I’ve been working with MHH since & it’s helped me tremendously. I have lost 14 kg in weight, I have more energy & I’m able to exercise actively now. My doctor told me that my heart risk has gone from 85% down to 5%, and my blood pressure is normal now after always being high.

I sleep well & my mind has become sharp with forgetfulness going away. I don’t feel unwell now or worry about my health which is a huge change. I feel like I’m alive again & better than I can remember.

The best part is that I’m learning to love myself & stand up for myself. Because I’ve been struggling for most of my life, I’m motivated to change, moving forward in a positive way using natural medicine. Healing is a journey using the Team at Modern Holistic Health’s wonderful help.

Fantastic work,

Robyn B. (11/21/2021)

Each month, my coaching team and I want to share with you one or more products we love and trust – because of the safety and ‘clean’ ingredients they have, how well they work, and because it supports small business… and we want to make it easy for you to find great products and support the amazing people and families who are behind them.

It’s so easy to buy on Amazon, yes I get that, but did you know that Amazon takes away everything that makes a small business amazing and sustainable? And not only that, they are now controlling what you have the ability to purchase, and what the pricing is, leaving small businesses with their hands tied behind their back, at the mercy of Amazon.

If YOU find a great product that you want to share with us, let us know so that we can look into it and share it with our tribe – YOUR tribe!

As we continue with the healthy habits we embraced last month, I am excited to share two of my favorite brands and a great book with you. Enjoy!

Fresh Pressed Olive Oil

So excited to bring you this resource of REAL fresh pressed olive oil. Trust me when I say this is the only olive oil that I use in my house and there is nothing like it on the market. It tastes so different from other olive oils because it’s REAL and it’s FRESH! Most people have never experienced real and fresh olive oil so they have nothing to compare it to, but when you try this you will finally get to experience what olive oil is supposed to taste like.

I have spoken with the owner himself, T.J., and have a SUPER deal for you! In fact, if you take advantage of this special offer, we will be offering a LIVE Olive Oil Tasting for you! Like a wine tasting, but better!

T.J. travels around the globe visiting olive orchards, picking the olives and tasting them, and if they pass the test and quality, he has them picked, made into olive oil, and shipped right to your door within 2 months!

This special bottle of olive oil will be coming from an award-winning small family farm in Italy.

This olive oil — unavailable in any store in America — is a rare and coveted fresh-pressed extra virgin olive oil. It’s also independently lab certified to be 100% pure.

Freshness is so critical to olive oil flavor and nutrition because the olive is a fruit. And olive oil is a perishable fruit juice that should never be allowed to sit on a store shelf for months, no matter what the “best used by” date may be. Like orange juice, olive oil tastes so much better fresh-squeezed.

And now you can taste the difference for yourself. As one of my readers, you’re invited to receive this gift bottle (normally $39) of harvest-fresh EVOO if you’ll pay just $1 to help cover shipping. And there’s nothing you’re obligated to buy, now or ever. It’s a special get-acquainted deal I’ve arranged with my favorite importer of farm-fresh olive oils from new harvests around the world, a fellow named T.J. Robinson, aka the Olive Oil Hunter.

If you’d like to try this unique club and receive one of T.J.’s $39 gift bottles and pay just $1 to help cover shipping, just click on this link:

>> Click here to claim your $39 Gift Bottle plus a bonus recipe ebook<<

Click on the blue link below and T.J. will toss in an extra bonus. It’s his fabulous ebook, 16 All-Time Favorite Recipes for Health and Longevity. As a professionally-trained chef, and in his role as the Olive Oil Hunter, T.J. has dined all over the world. In his travels, he’s collected hundreds of outstanding recipes. For this collection he’s chosen the 16 recipes that have received the most compliments from friends, family, and members of his Fresh-Pressed Olive Oil Club.

P.S. At this link, T.J. Robinson, the Olive Oil Hunter, also provides a short article, “The Best Ways to Store Your Olive Oil.” It’s a must-read for anyone who uses olive oil.

P.P.S. Have no fear. This offer is not a scam. If you want to continue in the club, you can. If you don’t, that’s fine, too. Just cancel and that’s it. And just for giving the club a try and paying $1 to help cover shipping, you get to keep the free $39 bottle of rare harvest-fresh olive oil. These are good folks who honor their word and offer a truly outstanding product.

Healing with Vibration, by Lloyd Burrell: an Amazon #1 best new release!

Yes, I recommended this in last month’s newsletter and I’m doing it again! Why?

Because this is the future of medicine – this is where Quantum science meets the old model of Newtonian Science and I want YOU to be at the forefront of how medicine is changing and where it is going, soooo I had a personal call with Lloyd two weeks ago and I’ve got a deal worked out for you….

I spoke with Lloyd and together we have created a stack of amazing bonuses for you to unwrap, celebrating his very special new book, Healing with Vibration: An Expert Guide to Reversing Pain, Stress, & Trauma.

Please click here to get the bonuses – valued at over $1,000 – which will be delivered by email once you sign up – and grab your copy of Lloyd’s book – already an Amazon #1 best new release!

Important: Once you sign up, you will land on the Amazon Page to purchase the book.

You won’t believe the VIP bonuses just to celebrate the book – worth over $1,000!

  1. A beautiful 17-page eGuide containing the cutting edge, scientifically backed strategies from Lloyd’s personal conversation and interview with Lynne McTaggart, one of the leaders in personal and community-collective power. (You won’t want to miss this.)
  2. THE LOW EMF HOME – ACTION CHECKLIST! This 16 point checklist will help you understand the impact of man-made electromagnetic fields and how to identify the EMF hotspots in your home and environment. While not visible to the human eye, and while you may not be able to feel them, EMFs may be ruining your health, your immunity and your mental well being.
  3. TABATHA BURRELL’S LYMPH MASTERCLASS. Are you suffering from bloating and weight gain, poor circulation, acne, itchy skin, swollen ankles, varicose veins, recurrent allergies, sinus congestion, constipation? Get this powerful 30-Minute Lymphatic Health Masterclass and 1-page PDF HEED+ Blueprint to boost your immunity and lymphatic health (created by my wonderful beautiful daughter).
  4. A PRIVATE AUTHOR Q&A WEBINAR. The author Lloyd Burrell will address some of the most pressing questions and concerns in a Q&A format replay and offer a powerful walkthrough of his book, with an introduction to advanced Healing With Vibration techniques and a special offer for his Mentorship Program.

And so many more!

This new book brings 10 of the most respected global leaders together to pull back the curtain on why we are struggling with health and wellness more than ever before. AND what can we do about it?

Collaborators Include: Dr. Tom O’Bryan, Ari Whitten, Dr. Christine Schaffner, Jonathan Goldman, Master Mingtong Gu, Wendy Myers, Dr. Keith Scott-Mumby, Dr. Eva Detko, Dr. Magda Havas, and more. Here are the powerful health topics we will cover:

→  Hum Your Way To Health: The Surprising Effects of Vibrational Humming
→  Cultivate Your Life Force Energy through Moving Meditation
→  Biohacking Your Personal Energy Fields
→  Energy, Frequency, and Vibration to Jumpstart Your Biofield
→  The Blueprint for Better Energy
→  Understanding the Electric Universe – Electric You
→  Invisible EMF Pollution: Steps To Protect Yourself (and Loved Ones)
→  Rebuilding Your Microbiome: Your Gateway to Consciousness
→  Aligning Your Conscious With Your Subconscious For Higher Health

The world needs this book to help us ALL shift how we approach our health, wellness and consciousness.

Please join me in learning the future of medicine and learn new strategies that are loaded with new cutting edge Quantum Science-based solutions.

Your must-have UTI Protocol

I want to share with you a must-have protocol that, if you have ever suffered from the dreaded Urinary Tract Infection (UTI), you wish you had this one! This is a tried and true protocol that we have used for many years that has worked even with the toughest cases of chronic recurring UTIs and bladder infections. We’ve even seen successful outcomes with women who had developed the ever painful condition of cystitis as a result of chronic recurring UTIs.

My recommendation is that you keep this in your medicine cabinet – don’t wait until you have a UTI to buy what you need because by the time you get your packages in the mail, you may have progressed into massive pain and you’ll need to go see your doctor for antibiotics (which oftentimes can cause gut issues and yeast infections)… so you end up with more issues than you started with!

Enjoy this free resource of one of our tried and true protocols. Our gift to you!

Here is the link to order your UTI protocol kit, and the instructions are in the order.

Crusaders for Health Newsletter: Edition 31
Crusaders for Health Newsletter: Edition 30
Crusaders for Health Newsletter: Edition 29
Crusaders for Health Newsletter: Edition 28
Crusaders for Health Newsletter: Edition 27
Crusaders for Health Newsletter: Edition 26
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🎁 Holiday Sale 🎁

Save on Visits, Programs, Labs, and Supplements

This Holiday, we’ve reduced the price of our Practitioner Visits, Programs, Labs, and Supplements.

👉 Click [LEARN MORE] to get the details and save now on Visits, Programs, Labs, and Supplements

🎉 Black Friday Special 🎉

62% Off Dr. V’s Most In-Depth Lab Test Bundle

For a limited time, we’ve reduced the price on our most in-depth, 4-lab bundle so you can test for over 300+ types of toxins, mold, and sensitivities that conventional tests often miss.

👉 Click [LEARN MORE] to get the details and save 62% while this advanced lab bundle is still available!