How And Why To Cleanse

Yes, cleanses could be deemed “trendy” – particularly this time of year. However, beyond their celebrity, the kinds we advocate are actually good for your body. First of all, what is a cleanse? Think of it as a true cleaning of your body from the inside out. It’s a fact that many individuals say their skin glows after a cleanse and swear by shinier hair.  Your organs spend so much time digesting food on a daily basis, ridding themselves of toxins, fighting bad bacteria and diseases, that they may not be fully optimizing your individual system. We’re not referring to a miracle (crash) diet that promises that you’ll shed 10 pounds in a week by eating cabbage soup, but something that’s actually helpful to your body and your health.

The cleanses we celebrate help your body fight of disease, rid itself of toxins, and rebuild its strength. Our bodies are exposed to viruses, pesticides, harmful elements and minerals, pollution, cleaning products, and more on a daily basis. Our body works hard to flush them out, but it doesn’t hurt to give it an extra boost. Cleanses that include juices, vegetables, whole foods, beneficial nutrients and more, can aid your body with the vitamins and minerals it needs to help optimize the functionality of your body’s natural systems.

The effects of a cleanse aren’t always just physical. A reason why they are often popular at the beginning of a New Year, is they give your body a break after the holidays (the sweets, cocktails, and large meals that often go along with them), a sense of cleansing from the inside out, and a fresh start. They can provide a sense of peace, renewal, and general positivity – knowing that you are doing something good for yourself. They can also help you hit the reset button on bad habits or behaviors.

However, they can also be very emotional, as you may be fighting cravings and dealing with the physical effects of caffeine withdrawal, sugar withdrawal, and other dietal changes which may cause similar (and not often welcomed) responses including headaches, shakiness, anxiety, fatigue, and a general sense of feeling unwell as your body is working to remove impurities from its system. However, as a reminder, the buildup of toxins in our bodies is equally undesirable. When our bodies harbor toxins in excess, they can cause migraines, diseases, chronic fatigue, insomnia, and a general sense of feeling run down.

Additionally, a lot of the foods many individuals eat today produce inflammatory responses which can diminish the quality of our digestive system and the efficiency of our system to detoxify itself. Cleansing plans can work to add minerals and nutrients to your body while removing irritants, allergens, and food items that aren’t kind to our digestive systems. This way, your body can spend its energy healing itself rather than digesting a large starch and sugar rich meal.

At Modern Holistic Health, we recommend something rather than nothing at all when it comes to a cleanse to assist in resetting the clock, eliminating negative eating patterns, and supporting your colon. Whether you follow a strict 21-day elimination diet, a soup based cleanse, or even just a 3-day detox, we’re here to help.  Cleanses often remove items like: caffeine, added sugar, gluten, dairy, caffeine, meat, corn, and certain fruits and vegetables like potatoes, tomatoes, and eggplant. Different cleanses will choose to eliminate different types of foods.

If you missed the cleanse we are hosting that many of our patients are participating in now, we’d love to help you find one that makes sense for you or have our in-house nutritionist craft an individual plan that works for you, your lifestyle, and what you are able to commit to time-wise. Many of these cleanses include delicious soups, juices, smoothies, bowls, salads, and more. You may actually enjoy it!

Here’s a list of cookbooks and more to help you on your cleansing journey.

And, don’t forget to use us a resource!

Superfood Smoothies

The Big Book Of Juices

Soup Cleanse Cookbook

Soupelina Soup Cleanse

Superfood Soups: 100 Delicious, Energizing & Plant-based Recipes (Julie Morris’s Superfoods)

Toxin Toxout

The Slow Death of Rubber Duck

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