Crusaders for Health Newsletter: Edition 13

Dr. Elena Villanueva and Modern Holistic Health
Dr. Elena Villanueva is an international speaker, health influencer, & co-author of The Longevity Code. She teaches evidence based approaches for finding & treating the underlying causes of chronic illness & brain related conditions. Dr. V’s unique approach incorporates the merging of science and spirituality & the integration of the mind/body/spirit.

As seen on…

Elena is the producer and host of the Mental Health MasterclassInflammation MasterclassMastering Trauma MasterclassThe Leaky Brain SummitYour Brain & Mental Health: What They Aren’t Telling Youand the all new Beyond The Pill Masterclass, plus the TribeTalk Podcast. Find information on these topics and more relevant to your health and holistic healing at

My gift to you this holiday season…

Each year I am busy at work, creating my masterclasses to educate and inspire you that you CAN heal and create the life you truly desire. No matter how long you’ve been sick, how old you are, or what kind of symptoms or conditions you have, you do have the ability to heal and restore your vitality. And not only that, if you feel like you have been on the hamster wheel or the broken record of repeating cycles of suffering, you also have the ability to break that repeating cycle once and for all.

I get it because I’ve been there. I was once sick for many years without answers or solutions, and not only was I suffering from a plethora of symptoms and conditions, but I was also suffering in almost every other area of my life. My relationships with my family, my son, my friends… I was exhausted from working so hard just to make ends meet. I could never find that one special person to grow old with. I felt alone, unheard, and unloved. Nothing in my life was in flow, nothing was easy, and it felt like the harder I tried the worse things got for me in every area of my existence.

Everything I desired seemed to be out of my reach no matter how hard I tried, and believe me I tried! I had an incredible work ethic, and I was heart-centered and intelligent… but I couldn’t get off my broken record of suffering no matter how hard I tried.

But then that day on Thanksgiving of 2011 when I decided to take my life, a miracle happened.

That miracle didn’t just save my life, it transformed my life. That was the day God spoke to me and told me that as his child, I had the power and innate intelligence within me to heal myself. He told me that nothing outside of me would transform my life, and that is why everything I had tried had failed. The answers were inside me, and I needed to be still to hear His whispers and the answers that were already within me waiting for me to hear them.

You see, that was the day I truly realized that as a child of God with the gift of free will, I also had the power to change my reality… with my thoughts, my words, and my emotions. I became aware that my beliefs, the words I always used, and my thoughts about myself and the world around me were all at the root of the reality (of sickness and suffering) I had created for myself.

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My New Favorite Dessert that will WOW your Party Guests (and it’s healthy!)

by Ann Hutyra, Lead Biological Health Coach

Hello Tribe!

The holiday season is right around the corner, and while sticking to healthy eating can be a real challenge, if you have some awesome recipes in your back pocket, it’s much easier!

I recently made a galette for the first time – a galette is a fancy French word for a pastry that resembles a pie or a tart. I admit I was intimidated to try this recipe, but it was really sooo easy! I modified the original recipe to add my own touch. This is truly a beautiful dessert for your holiday table, and the crust is so flaky and buttery, you don’t miss the gluten at all! I hope you enjoy 🙂

Happy baking,


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MHH client Marilyn’s brain fog went away and her headaches have all but disappeared!

Before finding Dr. V and learning about her comprehensive healing program, I had spent much time, energy, dollars, and frustration trying to get to the root cause of gut issues, and Hashimoto’s as well as a long history of headaches and migraines.

All I got from traditional doctors were prescriptions and a “you just have to live with this” attitude. With my many allergies and sensitivities, things did not go well. No one in my area was able or willing to do the testing and put in the time to find out why I couldn’t eat so many foods or why I had reactions to various medications and foods. I felt tired, lethargic, had brain fog, and was feeling pretty hopeless.

I attended an inflammation masterclass that Dr. V put on, and there were so many light bulbs going off, and I kept saying “this is me; this is me.” I signed up for a consult with Ann and realized this is what I had been searching for for years. Not long after, I contacted MHH (Modern Holistic Health) and started the program.

The testing was very eye-opening and really explained why I was feeling so weighed down. I already had cut out gluten, dairy, soy, corn, and most grains, so the anti-Inflammatory diet was not too difficult to adopt. I did have a difficult time with some of the supplements. I had some pretty severe reactions as the toxins were coming out of my body, but Ann and Haleigh worked with me to find alternatives that I was able to tolerate.

I also experienced great progress in my healing as I got rid of the mold, candida, glyphosate, methylparabens, and more. I not only felt better, the brain fog went away and my headaches and migraines all but disappeared! I still struggle with gut issues but now that my toxins are finally gone I am able to focus on my gut repair now.

This program and the coaches are a game changer! I have recommended it to a number of people who are struggling to find solutions to their challenging health issues.

– Marilyn W., 10/28/22

Interview with a Trauma Client

by Stacey Loop, Yoga Breath Therapist

I’m Stacey Loop, Yoga Breath Therapist at Modern Holistic Health, and together with our team, we run an amazing and life changing program to help our clients to overcome their chronic health symptoms and conditions that are rooted in “stuck” emotions, traumas, and belief systems that are keeping them from healing and attaining the vibrant health they are looking for.

Hope and inspiration are foundational for healing and health, and I wanted to share with you a recent interview I had with one of our clients who has been in our program that focuses on releasing “stuck” trauma and emotions. I hope this interview fills you with hope and inspiration on your journey back to health and vitality!

Together with my team here at Modern Holistic Health, I have had the pleasure to work with one of our clients, Jane (not her real name).

Jane had experienced significant trauma in her early childhood years. Her recollection of the trauma was forgotten until the age of 50. She had been working to release trauma, forgive and find understanding over the last couple of decades before finding out about Dr. V’s programs and enrolling to work with us.

Jane’s goals and intentions included learning to work with her breath to release long-held patterns of the effects of trauma. She also wanted to learn to master balancing her nervous system through breath therapy and gentle movement.

When I begin my process of teaching and mentoring a client, I spend time with them so that I can uncover the priorities for that person. Connection is fundamental in this process, and it begins with knowing their stories and how their health imbalances are manifesting. For many, trauma is at the root of their chronic symptoms and is preventing them from healing and living with more ease and joy.

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MHH client Melissa says, “I have gotten my love and passion for life back!”

I was led to MHH last April and was extremely mold sick. I was struggling with severe migraines, dizziness, extreme fatigue, TMJ, and depression just to name a few. Those symptoms are near zero now and most of my days I feel GREAT. I have gotten my love and passion for life back! I cannot thank everyone at MHH enough. I am only halfway through the program and can’t wait for what’s to come!

Melissa W., 10/28/2022

Trauma and the Energetic Affect with Dr Elena Villanueva and Dr. Robyn Benson

Dr. Robyn Benson interviews Dr. Elena Villanueva on how unresolved Trauma is a common yet undiscovered barrier to healing. Learn how unresolved Trauma can impact your health and wellness, and what can be done to identify, and move thru these unresolved Trauma.

Watch Now

Cathy tried a few self programs, with no luck – but has found continuous improvement with MHH’s program

I have had ongoing health issues for many years. High blood pressure, blood sugar, and high cholesterol to name a few diagnosed problems.

I knew Western medicine would only medicate me and not heal me.

I have been listening to online programs for several years for the right fit to heal my body.

I tried a few self [directed] programs, but no luck.

I heard Dr. V at a masterclass session in March and purchased a small package. Did nothing with it.

I heard Dr. V again at a masterclass in May and knew the 12-month brain and body masterclass would be the best fit to improve my health.

I am working with Karla and Rosita at the moment, and both are talented and have helped with trauma in my body. I feel improvements after every appointment with them.

I am amazed at how great I feel after just a few months of following this program and know I have so much more to improve on. Imagine the energy and vitality I am going to have every day at the end of the year-long program!

I have much more to tell about my healing process with Modern Holistic Health and look forward to sharing more of this journey with you so you can change your health and change your life!

Cathy S., 10/27/2022

Summits & Documentaries Logo

This month’s featured summits and documentaries are a part of my mission to spread lifesaving truths around the world. That together we can help as many people as possible to get their health back, their lives back, and live their lives with all the love, joy, health, and vitality they desire.

Remember, your health is in YOUR hands. So join me for some TV viewing time in the evenings to watch our recommended featured summits & documentaries this month. Let’s kick up our feet, relax, learn how to be our own guarantee in life, and let’s thrive and heal together!

Dr. Elena Villanueva

Discover 40+ Ways Doctors are Revolutionizing Brain Health at the Reverse Brain Disorders Summit!

If you have been following me, you know that I am passionate about brain health! I can still remember that time in my life when I had lost my memory and my ability to speak, and no doctors could give me answers.

Thankfully, I found the answers and the solutions to reversing almost all brain-related issues, and I share much information on this in my Mental Health Masterclass. But this month, I have some great information from a dear friend and supporter of my work that I want to share with you too!

My longtime friend and one of my biggest supporters, Dr. David Jockers, put together a wonderful summit called Reverse Brain Disorders, and if you want to learn more about how to care for this most important organ system in your body, I want you to watch this!

3 Keys To Creating An Extraordinary Life

Every December, I have promoted this because it gives HOPE, inspiration, and great guidance that is powerful for your journey of healing. Mary is truly devoted, just like we are, to helping pull people out of their suffering. I give Mary’s Dream Builder event two thumbs up, and encourage you to sign up for this event that is only available in December of each year.

Join us for our new Inner Circle biweekly webinars

If you have been wanting more community or looking for a place where you can join in to discuss relevant topics surrounding health and wellness then I have a very special invitation for you! Earlier this year, we launched our new Inner Circle biweekly webinars where I provide a virtual gathering space twice a month on Wednesday evenings where we come together to discuss various topics surrounding health and wellness. During our last call we spoke around the merging of science and spirituality and how it relates to mindset and healing from chronic illness… It was such a great conversation and the topic was chosen by our attendees!

So join us as we gather every other Wednesday evening to learn, to grow, to connect with each other. We will cover topics YOU want to hear when you submit your topic requests, have guest speakers come to share their wisdom, and we’ll have candid conversations around life, health, family, and how we can support each other best on our journey of life and health!

Join us by registering here! See you soon!

“MHH has rekindled my hope in achieving true healing and restoration to live my best life going forward”

I came to MHH after 25 yrs of depression and anxiety and various other “symptoms.” I had been to 2 other alternative practitioners with several thousand dollars spent but no improvement. I found Dr. V from watching one of her masterclasses and knew after 8 years of trying other methods that the MHH approach was different and what made the most sense. It also renewed a sense of hope that I had almost lost in resolving my issues.

Throughout my time here with Dr. V’s team and my program, I have detoxed most of the various toxins I had and noticed fewer symptoms of depression, anxiety, and less dry skin. I’ve worked on addressing underlying trauma in the intensive program offered and appreciate learning how much harboring underlying/unresolved trauma can affect our physical health and healing and even prevent complete healing.

I really appreciate the coaches at MHH as well. They really care and are very knowledgeable and encouraging throughout the process. I would say MHH has rekindled my hope in achieving true healing and restoration to live my best life going forward.

Heather C., 10/27/2022

I don’t know about you, but sometimes finding the right gifts for the holidays can be hard. Let’s face it, we don’t always know what things others have been wanting, and sometimes people can be hard to shop for, but I’ve discovered something I love to do that makes it easy, and so far my friends and family have loved my choices of gifts (which is great, of course!)…

Check out some of the products I love below and see if any of these would work for some gift ideas for your friends and family or even for yourself! .

This year for one of the gifts for my grandkids, I am stuffing their stockings with the Wellnesse kids’ toothpaste… I let them try it earlier this year and they LOVED it! And I feel great about giving them this gift because baby William still hasn’t figured out how to spit his toothpaste out, and I know the ingredients are safe for him to swallow.

The Wellnesse brand toothpaste tastes great, it works well, and they are also fluoride-free, glycerin-free, gluten-free, GMO-free, and cruelty-free.

Plus all Wellnesse ingredients are organic whenever possible, ethically sourced, and their packaging is 100% recyclable, EWG verified, biodegradable, or compostable.

Fresh Pressed Olive Oil … this gift won’t disappoint!

If you attended the special olive oil tasting I hosted this year (online) then you got a REAL treat! My friends TJ and his wife, Meghan literally chase the olive oil harvests around the globe, tasting olives from small family farms and choosing the cleanest and best olives around the world where they buy them on the spot, have them made into olive oil and shipped within just 8 weeks to your front door!!

Those of you who attended the tasting got to learn just like I did, that once you have REAL and FRESH olive oils like these, you will NEVER go back to buying any other olive oil again!! Just like wines from around the world, each harvest is different, having different flavor profiles and these olive oils are RICH in nutrient density that you can actually smell and taste.

If you haven’t yet tried them, this is your chance to buy some for yourself and your friends and family as gifts this holiday season. I promise, this gift won’t disappoint!

This skin care line makes a beautiful holiday gift!

My staff is mostly women, and just like me, they love trying new skincare products, so most years I take one of my favorites and buy them a kit to try out… they ALWAYS love them! I also send these to my mom who loves to try out my favorite skincare lines too.

I absolutely LOVE giving my favorite skin care lines as gifts over the holidays! It’s a gift that smells good, feels good, is practical, and it shows how much I honor the health of my family and friends when I give them the gift of skin care that is clean, natural, and works well.

And let’s face it, as women, we realize that skin care is really important to maintain youthfulness of our skin. Yes, anti aging ALWAYS starts on the inside… AND the outside also needs good maintenance too!

Annmarie Skin Care line is made with organic and wildcrafted ingredients, including herbs and high-vibration plant extracts, and when you smell it you can really tell it’s completely natural… I LOVE the smells in Annmarie Skin Care products!

I was excited to learn about Annmarie Skin Care and how deeply they researched industry practices uncovering hidden processes with ingredient production.

Beyond the best ingredients, their formulation is done by their herbalist and chemist who understands the slow process of creating activated and naturally effective skin care.

Moreover, they’re a company that knows its partnering farmers and has vetted its sources personally. Annmarie Skin Care only picks ingredients that meet the highest quality standards and are at their peak nutritional effectiveness.

Within these products, you’ll find unique high-performance seed oils, antioxidant-rich botanicals, synergistic plant stem cells, and more that deliver skin-supporting nutrients and luxurious aromatherapy.

Check out just a few of the amazing ingredients they use:

  • Calendula flower: shown to alleviate the appearance of redness
  • Hyaluronic acid: for supreme hydration and plumping of your skin
  • Herbal extracts of buddleja davidii and edelweiss: to protect your skin from environmental stressors
  • Antioxidant-rich seed oils like sunflower seed, goji berry, and broccoli: to firm and tighten your skin while reducing the appearance of fine lines and wrinkles
  • Sea buckthorn fruit oil: a rare omega-7 essential fatty acid that tones and hydrates fine lines
  • Chia seed oil: contains an abundance of vitamin B3 and zinc that supports the skin’s plumpness and resilience
  • Lemon essential oil: a dose of citrus-powered purification known to brighten, clear, and refine skin

I absolutely trust Annmarie Skin Care. Since day one, they’ve been committed to bringing products made with these kinds of high-quality, pure, organic ingredients with a sustainable and conscious approach.

I’ve worked to get you a special holiday bundle that you can get that his includes 3 products to try and FREE SHIPPING to the U.S. and Canada. Head to their site now for a FREE FULL-SIZE additional gift. Enjoy all Annmarie Skin Care bestsellers while supplies last.

What’s the cleanest alcohol choice for your holiday celebration?

We’re all conscious about what we eat, but the holidays have a special way of triggering overindulgence and for many, alcohol plays a big role.

Imagine if you could enjoy cleaner and lower sugar wine this holiday season that won’t derail all the work you have put into getting your health back.

If you are in a place in your health journey where you CAN have one or two glasses of wine, let me tell you about Dry Farm Wines…

ALL the wines from Dry Farm Wines meet very strict purity criteria. Their list of criteria is long, but here’s an idea:

  • Sugar-free. All wines contain 0 – 0.15g of total sugar per glass (yes, it’s possible!)
  • Organically farmed. No pesticides, herbicides, or other harmful chemicals
  • No industrial additives. No thickeners, dyes, or taste modifiers
  • Lower alcohol. All wines are less than 12.5% alcohol
  • Lower sulfites. All wines are less than 75 parts per million sulfur
  • Only wild yeasts. No lab-made or GMO yeasts

The result is a Paleo-friendly, naturally lower-alcohol wine that tastes pure and delicious.

Combine our Holiday Rescue Detox Bundle to your indulgences and these are the perfect wines to enjoy over the holidays and to share with your family!

For this holiday season, Dry Farm Wines is offering a few specially curated selections:

  1. Classic Membership + Penny Bottle – If you sign up now, you’ll get an extra bottle of wine in your first delivery for just 1 penny.
  2. Rosé Membership – a rare chance to enjoy sugar-free Natural Rosé
  3. Sparkling Membership

Dry Farm Wines also backs up its wines with a 100% Happiness Promise. If you don’t like the wines, they’ll either ship you replacements or refund you fully. It’s completely risk-free!


Crusaders for Health Newsletter: Edition 31
Crusaders for Health Newsletter: Edition 30
Crusaders for Health Newsletter: Edition 29
Crusaders for Health Newsletter: Edition 28
Crusaders for Health Newsletter: Edition 27
Crusaders for Health Newsletter: Edition 26
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Save on Visits, Programs, Labs, and Supplements

This Holiday, we’ve reduced the price of our Practitioner Visits, Programs, Labs, and Supplements.

👉 Click [LEARN MORE] to get the details and save now on Visits, Programs, Labs, and Supplements

🎉 Black Friday Special 🎉

62% Off Dr. V’s Most In-Depth Lab Test Bundle

For a limited time, we’ve reduced the price on our most in-depth, 4-lab bundle so you can test for over 300+ types of toxins, mold, and sensitivities that conventional tests often miss.

👉 Click [LEARN MORE] to get the details and save 62% while this advanced lab bundle is still available!