Crusaders for Health Newsletter: Edition 6

Dr. Elena Villanueva and Modern Holistic Health
Dr. Elena Villanueva is an international speaker, health influencer, & co-author of The Longevity Code. She teaches evidence based approaches for finding & treating the underlying causes of chronic illness & brain related conditions. Dr. V’s unique approach incorporates the merging of science and spirituality & the integration of the mind/body/spirit.

As seen on…

Elena is the producer and host of the Mental Health MasterclassInflammation MasterclassMastering Trauma MasterclassThe Leaky Brain SummitYour Brain & Mental Health: What They Aren’t Telling Youand the all new Beyond The Pill Masterclass, plus the TribeTalk Podcast. Find information on these topics and more relevant to your health and holistic healing at

Music is a Magic Drug for Your Brain

If music makes you feel alive, then you are onto something profound and true. Listening and moving to music is a wonderful cure for the blues – and a variety of other issues plaguing your brain.

It helps you think more clearly, remember words (thank you, lyrics!), be happier, and enjoy your days more. Whether you are air-drumming to Nirvana or Genesis, singing along with Celine Dion, or nodding as you listen to Bach, your neurons are firing up and having a party of their own.

A survey by the American Association of Retired Persons shows a myriad of benefits of treating yourself to a concert, a CD, an MP3, or even a music lesson. In part, it highlighted that music lowers your stress and level of depression, increases your ability to learn new things, and simply brightens your day. Even though the results are more anecdotal than scientific, they reflect an optimism and engagement level that tunes inspire in us, right from childhood.

What Happens When Your Brain Hears Music?

Music activates some of the many networks in your brain. Once your auditory cortex processes the sounds, it alerts your emotional center. It, in turn, turns on the regions that retain and rework memories, which is why you look for similar sounds, song titles, and flashbacks to other times when you have heard the same song or style of song. From here, your motor skills kick even, even if you haven’t started drumming your fingers on the steering wheel yet. Overall, most of your senses are awakened.

By firing up so many of your brain’s pathways, you are keeping them in shape for processing and manipulating other sources of information. By listening to new and old music, you are exercising different memories and forging new ones. Not only will this encourage you to try new experiences or activities, but it will also make it easier for you to learn them since your brain is so nimble.

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How Your Physical Health Helps Your Brain

While it’s key to be mentally well to get out of bed and tackle your day, your physical health is also vital to your mind working at its best. When both are strong, you can set goals and have the energy and focus to accomplish them. We embrace life and enjoy it more fully.

Similarly, just as your healthy body fights off infections, your balanced brain can withstand more stress and regulate emotions better. If you get hit with a personal crisis, a vibrant you is more resilient as you bounce back.

With that in mind, here are some ways to stay in optimal health so every part of you works in concert and helps you reach your potential.

Work Out

Regular exercise is good for your lungs, heart, joints, and muscles, so why not for your mind as well? Research has shown that it can have as much of an impact as psychotherapy if you have depression or anxiety. Within five minutes of starting an aerobics class – or other heart-pumping activity – you lower your anxiety level.

A mobile body empowers you, taking away feelings of hopelessness or powerlessness. That puts you in a better mood, with a lower incidence of anger, tension, or fatigue. When you feel better, which means you are less likely to binge eat or overindulge in alcohol or drugs.

Since you may slim down or become more muscular, you automatically feel better about yourself. And when you’re focused on counting reps or your basketball opponent, you will block out your troubles for a while. Even better, you can build camaraderie with team members or other gym members as you cheer each other on. Social interaction is a key determinant of strong mental health as you have a sounding board and people to bond with.

You cannot ignore the power of the so-called “runner’s high” – that sweet spot where you feel a rush of euphoria from achieving a milestone or just hitting the zone where your body is moving fluidly. All pain disappears and you feel a rush.

Endorphins work this magic by working with your neuro-receptors to give relief from pain; boost the immune system; and delay the aging process. Exercise stimulates the release of these blissful messengers, sending depression-fighting, stress-lowering chemicals throughout your system. This may hit you 10 minutes into a run or half-hour into your swim. Regardless, they inspire you to work out again. Consistency is vital to an effective workout program and these highs help.

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MHH client Susan shares her excitement about her healing journey…

I came to Modern Holistic Health in what I call my “11th hour.” I have had health problems for most of my life. I’ve had only a few brief periods over the decades where I’ve felt good. A doctor once told me, “You didn’t get sick overnight, you’re probably not going to get better overnight.” It has been and still is one of my life’s missions to get to the root of my health problems.

I am currently in Month 2 of the 12 Month Brain & Body Mastery program. As my first “win,” I can honestly say that I noticed a significant decrease in abdominal swelling after just the 1st month. Rosita has been a God-send, offering a safe space to process deeply painful, traumatic experiences.

With Dr. V and all of her amazing team, I feel that I’ve finally come to the right pace to truly get to the bottom of my health problems. Their passion for health and holistic lifestyle are undeniable. Their experience and level of expertise are top-notch, and they have thousands of patients whose results speak for themselves! The level of support has been exceptional. Equally important, they are good listeners, compassionate, and are HIGHLY encouraging. All of that, coupled with my determination and my belief in a Higher Power seeing me whole and well – I finally have hope that I can heal. And that is PRICELESS!

– Susan L. 3/11/2022

Expression = Dance Your Way into Joy

As humans, we are given the gift of “experience.” By experience, I am speaking of the experience of emotions, the experience of physical sensations like touch, smell, and sight; and we get to experience how our mind, body, and spirit connect to express the emotions and thoughts evoked by the experiences we have. When we learn to become masters of our own minds, we also learn the power of creating our experiences and how to change them. Through our thoughts, actions, and emotions, we create the experiences in our lives which in turn create the stories in our lives which ultimately become our reality.

Developing an awareness of how our thoughts, actions, and emotions ultimately create our experiences and our story is truly what many call the ultimate gift of life! And once we become aware of how we are creating our own experiences, we can learn to become empowered in the mastery of our emotions, thoughts, and actions, so that we can realize the outcomes we desire to ultimately experience.

In the process of this self-mastery, some of the tools we teach our clients involve the self-mastery of expression of our emotions, thoughts, and desires through speaking, writing, movement, and other artistic forms.

When we learn to express ourselves, we are in the process of letting our thoughts, emotions, and feelings be known not only to others but most importantly to ourselves—all parts of ourselves—mind, body, and spirit. This process of self-mastery through expression helps us to identify if we are congruent in all parts of ourselves, with what we desire (like getting our health back, for example), or if we are in conflict (perhaps saying we want to heal from our dis-ease, but our actions, thought, or emotions don’t resonate with our desired outcome).

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Meagan’s symptoms are 50% reduced and she is on the path to healing…

I have always believed that mental health and physical health/brain health are connected. However, it was not until joining Dr. V’s program that I was able to see just how true this is! By finding the root cause of my symptoms, Dr. V and her team have been able to help me tremendously! I tried so many different doctors, specialists and treatments over the past 5 years and never found relief until joining her program.

In less than 12 months, my symptoms have reduced by more than 50%, I’ve been able to get off of sleep medication (the first time in 10 years), I’ve lost 20 pounds, and I KNOW that I am on my way to continuing to improve my mental health and my chronic illness issues for good!

– Meagan R. 3/16/2022

Summits & Documentaries Logo

This month’s featured program is a part of my mission to spread lifesaving truths around the world. Together we can help as many people as possible to get their health back, their lives back, and live their lives with all the love, joy, health, and vitality they desire.

Remember, your health is in YOUR hands. So join me for some TV viewing time in the evenings to watch this month. Let’s kick up our feet, relax, learn how to be our own guarantee in life, and let’s thrive and heal together!

Dr. Elena Villanueva

Natural ways to beat depression & start feeling better

We all feel depressed at times.


Approximately 5% of the population is thought to have major depression at any time and 17% will experience a major depressive episode at some point in their life.

But even if we don’t have a long term struggle with major depression, when occurrences of depression DO happen, the symptoms can still be bothersome.

Luckily, there are lots of actions we can take to lessen the severity of our depression, whether it’s a long term or short term issue.

—>> Learn more when you download the ebook, 27 Ways to Beat Depression, Naturally!

Although we generally think of depression as sadness, depression is actually more of a syndrome consisting of many symptoms related to sadness. It’s something that a lot of us face at some point in our lives, or it can be an ongoing struggle. But it no longer has to win!

We can make small but meaningful changes to our body, mind and environment. That means that each of us has the power to improve our quality of life.

But, what exactly should we do?

The science-based strategies presented in this 26-page eBook incorporate many of the things we teach to our clients who are enrolled in our Brain/Body Restoration Mastery Programs.

Implementing the action steps in this ebook I am sharing with you can lessen your depression, boost your mood, and improve your life.

The hardest part is just getting started. So challenge yourself to try at least one strategy today!

A few strategies you can start using today include:

  • Use your phone to connect, not disconnect
  • “Talk back” to negative thoughts
  • Try expressive writing
  • Go outside
  • Eat less sugar
  • Go for a walk

Learn more strategies that you can implement today with this resourceful eBook.

—>> Gain immediate access to 27 Ways to Beat Depression, Naturally eBook now!

When you unlock this gift, you’ll also save a seat for the free, online Mental Wellness Connection Summit taking place on April 18-24, 2022, where over 30 experts share their knowledge about effective root-cause approaches to help you reach the milestones on your journey toward mental and emotional health!

It just takes One Step at a Time!


Get real answers about your health – finally!

Are you tired…??

Tired of dealing with symptoms of hormonal imbalances such as acne, insomnia, PMS, painful heavy periods, infertility, loss of libido, hot flashes, and night sweats?

If you want real answers about your hormones and how to get them back in balance, there is a solution.

You need to know which questions to ask your healthcare provider…so you can be your own best advocate.

What’s really going on inside, instead of addressing the symptom alone…

And you need to know how to advocate for your health once and for all.

Most importantly, you need to know about one of the most important factors influencing your body…

Your hormones.

My friend and colleague, Dr. Trevor Cates, has interviewed 50 world-class experts on the subject of women’s health and hormones – and you can jumpstart your path to understanding what you can do to balance your own hormones when you watch this nine-part documentary series.

Don’t wait – it will only be available for a limited time.

Diane said, “Enough is enough!” and reached out to the Modern Holistic Health team for help… and it’s working

First of all, thanks to Modern Holistic Health, especially Dr. V. and Ann in helping me get to the root cause of my difficulties for as long as I can remember, even childhood.

I have always had a problem with digestive issues, never regular elimination, never regular monthly periods, always taking something to help move my bowels and yes it would help for a while and then I tried something else. Then in my 40’s I began to experience restless legs while in meetings, driving, while in a movie theater and sleeping only 2 hours a night sometimes. In 1997 I was diagnosed with Restless Leg Syndrome and started taking medication to help that. Like everything else those medications would eventually turn to augmentation – worsen the symptoms, increasing the meds. By this time I was also on high blood pressure meds.

So about 12 years ago I said, “enough is enough” and starting addressing digestive issues with a local chiropractor who worked with Standard Process supplements as well. Even though some issues improved, I still had major trouble with restless legs. Finally on Valentine’s Day 2012 I went off RLS meds cold turkey and figured I just had to live with it.

So in 2019, I began to watch some of the docuseries on my PC and that’s when I came across Dr’s series on Mental Health. I was also seeking help with anxiety and depression and began to realize I needed to treat the root cause first of all – whatever that was.

My first testing with MHH showed lots of heavy metals, candida, mold, inflammation, etc. So I’ve been through a long, long detox time, now starting gut repair. There were times when I was very discouraged cause the healing was taking so long with not much results.

A couple of weeks ago I decided to do the 21 day purification cleanse to see if I could boost my program. For those of you who have also been questioning “why so long”, Hang in It’s worth it, and you will get good results sticking with the programs. I have been on this quest for 2 years and to boot, the longest years of my life, thru a pandemic besides diet changes. The biggest result showed in my last test of a drop of 30 points in my cholesterol, plus other good results in nutrients and markers and restored energy and better sleeping.

Praise God for keeping me on the path of healing. Thank you to Modern Holistic health for their programs, protocols, support, knowledge and caring for us who want better health naturally.

– Diane 3/6/2022

Whole Body Vibration for Calming Inflammation with Becky Chambers

Vibration tunes and strengthens your body, mind, and spirit: whether you want to lose weight, tone muscles, heal your body, raise your spirits, or tune your brain. Listen to vibration expert Becky Chambers discuss the benefits of whole body vibration (WBV), which when properly incorporated can relieve, calm, and may even eliminate chronic inflammation.

Becky Chambers is a natural health practitioner, a leading expert on Whole Body Vibration (WBV), and Vibrant Health’s founder.

Becky’s latest book is Whole Body Vibration for Calming Inflammation. She wrote the best-selling book Whole Body Vibration: The Future of Good Health in 2013, followed by four additional books about WBV. Becky has a bachelor of science degree from the University of Massachusetts, a master’s in education from Lesley College, and a graduate degree in natural health from Clayton College of Natural Health.

Listen Now

Spring Easter Sale! Spring is here!
Celebrate your life with a Whole Body Vibration machine. Vibration tunes and strengthens your body, mind, and spirit: whether you want to lose weight, heal your body, raise your spirits, or tune up your brain, vibration designed by Becky Chambers, the leading expert in Whole Body Vibration, gives you RESULTS!!! Vibrant Health’s most popular machines: the Power 1000 and the Gentle 500 are 20% OFF this week Sunday April 10 – Sunday April 17 Plus FREE Shipping & No Taxes (for most people) – Better than Amazon! Deluxe Packages for these machines on sale, too!

Use Dr. V’s discount code: DrV10%

[Download] Boost your energy, brain function and mood with these top supplements
If you have been dealing with burnout, adrenal fatigue, chronic fatigue…

Or you’re sick of waking up groggy and dragging yourself through the day…

Or even if you’re already pretty healthy and energetic, but you want to take your energy to new heights…

Then I have something for you!

My friend, #1 best-selling author, fatigue expert and functional health practitioner, and creator of The Energy Blueprint, Ari Whitten, has spent the last 6 years teaming up with several of the brightest minds in the world on overcoming fatigue, increasing energy, boosting brain performance and improved mood resilience… I’m talking world-renowned scientists, physicians, nutrition experts, sleep experts, and neuroscience experts… AND scouring tens of thousands of studies…

All in the pursuit of creating the ultimate science-based BLUEPRINT for energy enhancement.

Ari and his team have put together the most comprehensive analysis of the research on nutritional supplements and energy enhancement (nearly 300 scientific studies referenced!) in existence.

This ebook will show you specific compounds – many of which you have likely never heard of – that are proven to dramatically increase your energy levels within just a few weeks.

Normally he charges $37 for this ebook. But right now, he’s allowing me to give it away to a select amount of people as a complimentary gift.

  • One special ingredient (that you’ve never heard of) that has been proven to increase your energy levels by a whopping 40% in just a few weeks!
  • 8 Key compounds that can dramatically enhance your brain performance and mood (and even combat brain fog, anxiety and depression)
  • How to literally build up your mitochondria (your cellular energy generators) so they can produce more energy
  • A type of “bacteria” (not actually a bacteria) that is proven to help your cells produce more energy and improve your performance (and even detoxify your cells of heavy metals and other harmful compounds)
  • How to sleep deeper than you have since you were a kid using all-natural compounds that work BETTER than prescription sleeping drugs, without the harmful side effects

If you care about your energy levels, this is MUST-KNOW information.

Click HERE to get instant access to this ebook (which is normally $37) for FREE.

The team at Modern Holistic Health provided this client with the “deeper healing” she was looking for…

I’m so thankful that I heard Dr. V on an interview because I had been looking for more comprehensive testing to resolve some lingering health issues with digestion, brain fog, joint pain, and sinus congestion. My naturopathic doctor is great and I’ve improved with lots of food sensitivity testing, herbal supplements, gut healing, hormone support, cleanses… in the past years. But I found myself desiring deeper healing because I knew I should be feeling better with such a healthy diet and lifestyle.

After listening to the masterclass, and signing up for the recommended testing and program, I knew I had found my answer. I really appreciate the personal coaching session, online support team responsiveness, and extensive lessons which convert virtually every area of healing and healthy living.

Also, I’m learning so much from the weekly classes from coaches and their participants. Most importantly, I finally feel like I’m getting to the root causes of my various health problems. Since the labs showed such high levels of mycotoxins I had my home tested and found mold hidden between the walls. Getting this toxin mold out of my house, and making some other changes including diet, has already helped me start feeling better – and I’m only in month 3 so far.

Following such a complete plan of testing, supplementation and treatment that targets and supports my body’s specific needs gives me hope for a happier, healthier future. A big Thank You to Dr. V and the team for such caring, compassionate help!

– Diane I. 12/14/2021

We’ve got some great suggestions to support your health regime and routines

Surprising way to turn on the ‘fountain of youth’ (in 5 minutes a day)

If you’ve watched our Inflammation Masterclass or Mental Health Masterclass, you’ve learned that EVERYONE has toxins in their body, and these toxins lead to symptoms, conditions, and even chronic diseases. But did you know that this toxic load on your body also leads to fast aging of your skin, puffiness, premature wrinkles, and loss of elasticity?

These changes to your skin are NOT inevitable signs of aging… They are symptoms of toxins in your body and can also be from the use of personal care products like body and face creams (that not only don’t work, but have toxic ingredients in them that are actually aging you faster!)

Loss of tight skin, wrinkling, dry skin, and puffiness are actually signs of toxins leading to a clogged and congested…lymphatic system! (Learn about this here and how to fix it.)

Simply put, when lymphatic flow is blocked, toxins build up in your body. And this means premature rapid aging of your skin, chronic fatigue, and a host of other symptoms, conditions, and even chronic health issues.

So, if you’ve been searching for the fountain of youth in creams, lotions, lasers, and other expensive anti-aging tools… Here is one I am personally using and I love it.

If you’ve been buying into the latest beauty ‘miracle’ treatments that promise to tighten skin and cure cellulite…

Stop it right now. None of those get to the root cause of your issues which are a variety of toxins that you expose yourself to daily (especially in your personal care products).

The #1 secret to youthful looking skin, and slowing the aging process from head to toe, requires that you eliminate the toxins from your body and stop exposing yourself to toxins.

And to make this process easier for you, my coaches and I are always looking for the newest and best products you can incorporate into your daily routine to prevent further toxin exposures on a daily basis.

And there is a product line on the market right now that’s designed to not only take care of your skin, it can also open up congested lymph fluid, reduce inflammation and fatigue, and create healthy, luscious skin…

>> Get the story here.

Formulated by board-certified Naturopathic physician Dr. Christine Schaffner, Lumvi is a great new personal product line that is science-based and it works! I’m recommending you start with Lumvi’s herbal blend to stimulate lymph drainage. Simply massage into a few key lymph drainage areas 1-2X per day.

5-10 minutes tops, and you’re done!

From a smoother, more toned (and less inflamed) look, to better energy and deeper sleep — just a few minutes of lymphatic care per day with THIS can make a real and noticeable difference.

PLUS, get all these benefits – without the expensive spa treatment price tag:

→  Reduce the appearance of dimpled skin from cellulite

→  Cleanse toxins stored in fat cells

→  Lift and tone skin and muscles

→  Increase skin elasticity

→  Diminish water retention and swelling

→  Stimulate blood circulation and tissue regeneration

→  Boost immune system function

→  Increase energy and promote better sleep

→  Promotes full-body and mental relaxation

Healthier and smoother looking skin? More energy and less stress? Yes, please!

Try my recommendation for this doctor-formulated, proprietary blend of lymph-stimulating herbs…and 5 minutes a day.

Check it out now and give your body the anti-aging, full body flush it deserves!

This lymph healing blend is made in small batches, which means quantities are limited. If you want to easily, quickly, and safely kickstart your lymphatic flow (the #1 way to improve skin health and energy), I’d go here now.

GreenValley My Sinus Miracle

Nasal sprays and neti pots… these are some of the most popular home remedies to battle sinus trouble…

But both have side effects that can result in the exact opposite of relief!

For instance…

Prolonged use of nasal sprays can worsen your sinus struggle by triggering something known as rebound congestion.

Rebound congestion is when you experience major stuffiness for weeks (if you’re lucky) or months or even years if you’re unlucky.

Neti pots can also have a damaging effect on your sinuses…

… because when you wash out your nose with a neti pot, you eliminate the bad mucus – but by doing so you also eliminate all the “good” mucus that actually helps out your sinuses and protects you from even worse things…

So if neti pots and nasal sprays are bad news… where should you turn for relief?

Luckily for you, there’s a new all-natural breakthrough that’s sending shockwaves across the medical community…

It works fast to get you relief…

It’s easy to use (a simple 30 second daily ritual is all it takes)…

And best of all, it’s all-natural… with zero side effects…

Click here to get all the details about this breakthrough natural sinus remedy…


5 [LOW ZINC] Warning Signs (also good)

If you haven’t already been through our coaching program, where were teach you how to heal and optimize your body, odds are you’re deficient in THE most important mineral for your:

  • Immune system
  • Deep sleep
  • Fat metabolism
  • Teeth and gums
  • And more

I’m talking about Zinc.

And you’re probably deficient for three reasons:

1. Your diet/foods are lacking in Zinc…

2. Your favorite Zinc supplements ONLY contain 1-2 forms… and…

3. You have ‘leaky gut’ so you can’t absorb your zinc (and other minerals)

Go here to discover the 5 dangerous warning signs of Zinc deficiency (and the only way to get all 7 forms of zinc each morning — in seconds).

Fixing your Zinc deficiency can make huge changes in how you feel and how your body functions.

Crusaders for Health Newsletter: Edition 31
Crusaders for Health Newsletter: Edition 30
Crusaders for Health Newsletter: Edition 29
Crusaders for Health Newsletter: Edition 28
Crusaders for Health Newsletter: Edition 27
Crusaders for Health Newsletter: Edition 26
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🎁 Holiday Sale 🎁

Save on Visits, Programs, Labs, and Supplements

This Holiday, we’ve reduced the price of our Practitioner Visits, Programs, Labs, and Supplements.

👉 Click [LEARN MORE] to get the details and save now on Visits, Programs, Labs, and Supplements

🎉 Black Friday Special 🎉

62% Off Dr. V’s Most In-Depth Lab Test Bundle

For a limited time, we’ve reduced the price on our most in-depth, 4-lab bundle so you can test for over 300+ types of toxins, mold, and sensitivities that conventional tests often miss.

👉 Click [LEARN MORE] to get the details and save 62% while this advanced lab bundle is still available!