Health uses of honey

1. On a cellular level, how does manuka honey support wound healing? 

Studies have shown that applying manuka honey topically to wounds, can help promote quicker
healing. This happens in several ways. The properties of honey help draw fluid out of the
wound, which in turn can kill off any bacteria inside the wound. The amount of sugar molecules
in honey also contributes, by keeping any microorganisms from growing. And the acidity of
manuka honey supports the body’s ability to repair itself.

2. On a cellular level, how does honey (like manuka) help control acne? 

Acne appears on the skin when the oxidation of skin cells promotes bacterial growth. This
bacteria leads to the development of acne through an increase in free radicals. Manuka honey
helps in a few ways. It helps stop the growth of bacteria, and reduces inflammation, making
redness and swelling decrease.

3. Please explain how honey moisturizes the skin. 

Manuka honey is a popular ingredient in many face masks these days, because it’s been shown
to improve the appearance of the skin. Manuka honey holds in moisture, so it can help nourish
dry skin cells and improve the appearance of fine lines. Many people who use manuka honey
on a regular basis on their face, report having a ‘glow’ to their skin. Manuka honey’s ability to
decrease redness and inflammation also helps promote a smoother complexion.

4. Honey is a soothing anti-inflammatory. What inflammatory skin conditions can honey help?

Manuka honey’s ability to decrease inflammation makes it a great natural treatment for several
skin conditions, including acne, atopic dermatitis, and eczema, as well as minor cuts, scrapes
and burns.

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