Putting yourself first: 12 ideas we love

By Tarah Black, Health and Nutrition Coach

Have you heard of the old wives’ tales “You can’t take care of others unless you take care of yourself first,” or “You can’t pour anything out of an empty cup?” These resonate because they are true. It is so important to take care of yourself and to fill your cup. We refer to this as “self-care.”

Self-care looks different for everyone. Self-care focuses on the Mind, Body, Heart (emotional), and Spirit. These are also the things we focus on for our clients at Modern Holistic Health. Self-care is as unique as you are. Self-care allows you to put yourself first for your optimal wellness, healing, health, and it rejuvenates you and helps you to live your best life. 

Some examples of self-care can look like:

  • Warm bath with Epsom salt soak and/or your favorite essential oils
  • Going to bed early
  • Going out for tea/coffee with your friends
  • Meditation and/or prayer
  • Exercising
  • Enjoying time in nature (this could be a hike, picnic at the park, or a walk)
  • Treat yourself to a massage
  • Express gratitude for yourself and others
  • Have a dance party 
  • Binge-watch your favorite shows
  • Take time to breathe 
  • Enlisting a life team of health and wellness coaches to guide you and assist you with your life and health goals                                                                             

You are special and deserve to pamper yourself. Please take care of yourself so you can live life to the fullest and pay it forward. Your family will thank you, and most of all YOU will thank you!

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