When Jenny’s Western Medicine approach didn’t work, she turned to Modern Holistic Health for answers

Jenny, who is in the pharmaceutical industry, came to Modern Holistic Health looking for answers and solutions after the pharmaceuticals she had tried had not worked to help her. 

Jenny, age 43, came to us suffering from severe symptoms. As you’ll see below in her symptom sheet, Jenny had suffered severely with some of her symptoms for many years. 

Jenny had the opportunity to learn about our data-driven approach at Modern Holistic Health after attending our Beyond the Pill Masterclass where she learned how 90% of the time, people like her with chronic illnesses have at least THREE root causes of what made them sick and unable to heal.

After her initial appointment with us, we recommended some labs to get a better understanding of what the root causes of her symptoms and conditions might be.

Below, you can see the results of some of her labs… both the first ones she took in September of 2021, along with her second and third follow-up labs done in April and August of 2022…

Note the toxins found in her body (which were all contributing to her symptoms, conditions, and disease) and then notice her progress in removing these toxins from her body in her follow-up labs.

The MeTP found in her lab results (above) are known contributors to Autoimmune diseases, Neurological disorders, hormone disorders in men and women, reproductive disorders, and developmental disorders, while the 4MHA found in her results are known to cause central nervous system depression, neurocognitive impairment, thyroid, liver, and reproductive disorders, cancer, and death.

The mold found in her body was also very toxic and resulted in all the symptoms and conditions she was experiencing.

So combined, Jenny had a heavy total toxin burden on her body that was ultimately making her sick and unable to heal. 

Notice the symptoms and conditions caused by all the toxins shown in her labs were also many of the same symptoms and conditions that Jenny had been struggling with all these years. 

The great news is that with our data-driven and unique approach, Jenny was able to fully heal! Look at what she shared with us below from our testimonials page

Finding Dr. V and starting my program at Modern Holistic Health was a blessing. After trying different therapies, going to different doctors, having test results with “normal” values, taking different drugs that didn’t work but made me feel worse, and no one looking for the root causes of my symptoms, I lost hope. I felt like I couldn’t find the way out of this nightmare. I experienced so many symptoms but my panic attacks were the worst; they were so frequent, intense, and devastating that my life was falling apart until I listened to Dr. V in one of her masterclasses. 

She was so inspiring and gave me the hope that I lost for so many years, engraving in my mind that I wasn’t broken, that the root cause of my symptoms was something outside of me, not me, and that I could turn my health around 180 degrees if I really put the effort I deserved on me. My first assessment call with Ann made me 100% sure that I was on the right path to health. 

This program is one of the best investments I could have made and has provided me with everything I need to take my own health back. I found the root causes. I learned different modalities, tools, techniques, to live a healthier lifestyle, to be mindful, to be present in body, mind and spirit, to pay attention to my mindset, all of that in synergy helped me overcome the symptoms I experienced. With this program, I achieved in a few months what I didn’t achieve in 10+ years before.

The best is the team at MHH, especially my knowledgeable caring coaches. Thank you, Ann, Dr. V, Rosita, and the rest of the team for always being there to support me in my healing journey. You’ve empowered me with the feeling that I can overcome anything, that everything is possible. 

I don’t know what else to say, besides the fact that I am so deeply grateful that my path crossed yours.” – Jenny S

If you, a loved one, or a friend has been struggling with chronic illness, know that YOU TOO can have your healing! You not only deserve it, it’s yours to claim when you are ready. You can take advantage of some great savings right now because we’ve got our Mastering Trauma Masterclass starting in just a few days, and if you’ve registered to attend, you’ll get a chance to take advantage of some great savings just for attending. Scroll below for the details and registration link for our masterclass that starts in just a few days.

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