Crusaders for Health Newsletter: Edition 2

Dr. Elena Villanueva and Modern Holistic Health
Dr. Elena Villanueva is an international speaker, health influencer, & co-author of The Longevity Code. She teaches evidence based approaches for finding & treating the underlying causes of chronic illness & brain related conditions. Dr. V’s unique approach incorporates the merging of science and spirituality & the integration of the mind/body/spirit.

As seen on…

Elena is the producer and host of the Mental Health MasterclassInflammation MasterclassMastering Trauma MasterclassThe Leaky Brain SummitYour Brain & Mental Health: What They Aren’t Telling Youand the all new Beyond The Pill Masterclass, plus the TribeTalk Podcast. Find information on these topics and more relevant to your health and holistic healing at

How much do you really value your health & your life?

I don’t know about you, but I can’t believe there are only a few weeks left of 2021! This is a great time of year to give gratitude for everything you can and it’s also a great time to contemplate about what you want for yourself and your life as the new year quickly approaches.

It can be so hard to be positive when you have been dealing with a chronic illness, wanting so badly to just feel better again and even doubting your ability to heal. I want you to know that you are NOT broken and you CAN heal!

In fact, anyone can heal but many times we unknowingly get in our own way when it comes to doing what we need to do to get the results we want. I want to take a few minutes to talk about the real secret sauce behind those who are successful in overcoming their chronic illness, whether its a mental health condition, neurodegenerative disease, autoimmune condition, or any health issue you just can’t seem to work past – so that you can become aware of any barriers to your healing and health that may be in the way, that you are just not aware of.

How many of you would like to eliminate your illness, whatever that might be, in 2022? How many of you would like to lose weight? Reverse your diabetes? Improve your sleep? Your mental health struggles? Your autoimmune disease? How many of you have done ‘all the work’ to heal your gut, yet you are still constipated?!

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Try the Butterfly Hug to Calm Your Anxiety & Your Nervous System

The Butterfly hug is used when working with PTSD, anxiety, or other trauma, to facilitate primary processing of a fundamental traumatic memory or memories. One of the effects of anxiety, trauma, and unprocessed emotion is the disruption of the neurological pathways that provide communication between the two hemispheres of the brain. The butterfly hug works via bilateral stimulation which creates new neurological connections between the two hemispheres of the brain to allow better communication and processing of emotions and traumatic memories.

This modality is just one of the many tools we use when working with our clients who have trauma, anxiety, and unprocessed emotions that are one of the causes of their chronic illness or inability to heal.

Try the Butterfly Hug Now

Eating healthy while on holiday

We love working with our clients to teach them how to identify and address the root causes of their chronic illness, whether it’s auto-immune related, brain related, hormones, whatever the case may be…. There are common denominators that lead to chronic illness. Understanding how to navigate your journey back to health is the best investment you’ll ever make. As a matter of fact, all of us here at Modern Holistic Health have been through our own journey learning how to identify our barriers to healing and how to navigate our way back to health.

My own journey started with multiple food sensitivities that first led me down the road of many dietary restrictions – for over 10 years! While I learned many ways to overcome the challenges of changing my foods in my home, I found that traveling was difficult for me because I wasn’t aware of how I could eat healthy when I was away from my home. I found myself staying home rather than experiencing the joy of travel simply because I never had a coach to show me the way.

It took time for me to learn on my own that I COULD travel and make sure my body was getting the right fuel. Once I learned how to eat for my health while traveling, I felt so free and excited and it’s now one of the things I love to teach our clients because many of them also want to travel and they want to also make sure they continue eating in the way that is helping their body and brains heal. Not only do I teach our clients how to eat clean while enjoying their vacations and travelling, I also show them how they can navigate healthy meals even with their children and partners in the mix.

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I’ve got an extra holiday treat for you that we are so excited to share! Ann, our lead biological coach at Modern Holistic Health first made these for me about 3 years ago and I have to admit, I couldn’t eat just one! Hahaha!! And there was no guilt because they are low carb, low sugar, and gluten free! These cookies are positively delicious and easy to make so give them a try! Take these to your holiday parties and watch everyone obsess over them, not even knowing they are ‘healthy’!

Go ahead, try them and then drop us a video review to let Ann and us know what you think! – Dr. Elena

Get the recipes

The Holidays can be a rough time for many, especially with the recent events of the last 18 months. You are not alone! We have answers & solutions!

Join our world renowned 5-part Series Mental Health Masterclass to learn what the most common causes of mental health disorders are and how our clients are reversing them using Dr V’s sought after & data driven approach!

If you or a loved one are one of the 450 million people struggling from a mental health challenge…

Or, in particular, one of the 55+ million Americans suffering from depression and/or anxiety…

You are not alone.

But what if there are solutions that are unique to each person? What if you could back up these solutions with cutting edge science and data that actually measure results?

That’s precisely what you will find in our 5-Part Mental Health Masterclass that’s airing completely free, starting December 12th at 9 pm ET.

Save your FREE seat right here!

Watch how Angelia and her family have healed together!

While jumping on a call with one of our clients, Angelia, last week, I got a beautiful and heartfelt testimonial. Thank you, Angelia! From my team and myself, we love you and are thrilled you and your family put yourselves first and are reaping the benefits of learning how to navigate your healing and the healing of your entire family!

Listen to Angelia’s story

Winter ‘Viral’ Protocol Podcast

TribeTalk Art Card

Do you know what supplement protocols can work on viral patterns (yes, that one too!)? Dr. V and Ann discuss the latest holistic protocols and resources that can be used to help combat viruses.

Listen Now

Also, here is an article I wrote last year on guidelines for boosting the immune system and preventing viral replication in the body. While the article was written last year, the protocols are still working and relevant today:

Highly recommended viewing IF you are still searching for answers.

History is repeating itself (as it often does, unfortunately.)

Just a few weeks after the landmark press conference announcing the success of the Polio v@((!ne trials, an Idaho doctor reported a case of paralytic polio in a recently treated girl.

And over the next few weeks it would soon emerge that over 120,000 people received a tainted Polio v@((!ne

40,169 of those people would go on to contract the very thing they were supposed to be protected against.

And the vast majority of those cases came from the mistake of just ONE manufacturer…

It came to be known as the “Cutter Incident”.

The lab had received advanced warnings of problems, but superiors swept them aside…

Will the same deadly medical oversight happen with C0 –V –!D?

Inside, is an interview with someone who worked very close to the epicenter of the Cutter Incident….

And he tells the story from a perspective that can’t be found anywhere else.

To get access to this exclusive interview, just click here.

These 2 top picks are perfect timing for the holidays

Each month, my coaching team and I want to share with you one or more products we love and trust – because of the safety and ‘clean’ ingredients they have, how well they work, and because it supports small business… and we want to make it easy for you to find great products and support the amazing people and families who are behind them.

It’s so easy to buy on Amazon, yes I get that, but did you know that Amazon takes away everything that makes a small business amazing and sustainable? And not only that, they are now controlling what you have the ability to purchase, and what the pricing is, leaving small businesses with their hands tied behind their back, at the mercy of Amazon.

If YOU find a great product that you want to share with us, let us know so that we can look into it and share it with our tribe – YOUR tribe!

For December, I am sooooo excited to share TWO small businesses with you – these two top picks are perfect timing for the holidays for yourself and for gifts! I promise you’ll love them!

Fresh Pressed Olive Oil

TJ, the founder of Fresh Pressed Olive Oil has such a great story which makes it no surprise why his olive oil is just as fantastic. I’m not kidding. It’s so good I eat it with a spoon. Seriously! He literally travels around the world to orchards, picking the olives, eating them and if he likes them, he has them pressed into oil and shipped to his customer with in a couple of months! He has a club where they will send you the oils along with the information on which part of the world they came from! So cool! We just got our shipment last night and the latest ones are from Australia and Chile!

If you love olive oil and want to reap the benefits of these delicious health giving oils, here’s an exceptional offer from T. J. Robinson, the Olive Oil Hunter. As a member of my community, you qualify to receive a free $39 bottle of one of the world’s finest artisanal olive oils. Just pay $1 to help cover shipping! It’s yours as an introduction to the Fresh-Pressed Olive Oil Club. It comes to you direct from the farm at the peak of harvest-fresh flavor. Store-bought olive oils can’t compare!

You need have no worries about this offer. It is totally bona fide. If you want to continue in the club, you can. If you don’t, that’s fine, too. Just cancel and that’s it. And just for giving the club a try and paying $1 to help cover shipping, you get to keep the free $39 bottle of premium harvest-fresh olive oil. These are good folks who honor their word and offer a truly outstanding product you can try for just $1 shipping.

I’m personally working with TJ to offer us a personal olive oil tasting early next year, so get your bottles now and start trying them, give them away as gifts this holiday season, and enjoy my favorite olive oil with me!

Dry Farm Wines

Some of us may be in a place of healing or health where its best to just not consume alcohol, while some of us are in a place where it’s ok to consume a glass or two over the holiday. If you DO plan to enjoy some wine, make sure its a good one!

Did you know conventional wines have over 75 chemicals additives and a lot of added sugar?!) Yes, it’s true. But not Dry Farm wines.

The company travels around the world visiting old world small vineyards tasting and testing their grapes for quality and to ensure no chemicals are sprayed on their grapes and that no additives or sugars are added to the wines. If you love wine, I think you will really like this company!

So if you plan to enjoy a glass or two of wine this holiday season or you want to give a unique wine with a unique story to a fellow wine lover, this company can provide! We’ve been supporting them now for over 3 years and use their wines at any of our events because they are super clean, no added sugars, no added chemicals.

Crusaders for Health Newsletter: Edition 29
Crusaders for Health Newsletter: Edition 28
Crusaders for Health Newsletter: Edition 27
Crusaders for Health Newsletter: Edition 26
Crusaders for Health Newsletter: Edition 25
Crusaders for Health Newsletter: Edition 24
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This Holiday, we’ve reduced the price of our Practitioner Visits, Programs, Labs, and Supplements.

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For a limited time, we’ve reduced the price on our most in-depth, 4-lab bundle so you can test for over 300+ types of toxins, mold, and sensitivities that conventional tests often miss.

👉 Click [LEARN MORE] to get the details and save 62% while this advanced lab bundle is still available!