Crusaders for Health Newsletter: Edition 14

Dr. Elena Villanueva and Modern Holistic Health
Dr. Elena Villanueva is an international speaker, health influencer, & co-author of The Longevity Code. She teaches evidence based approaches for finding & treating the underlying causes of chronic illness & brain related conditions. Dr. V’s unique approach incorporates the merging of science and spirituality & the integration of the mind/body/spirit.

As seen on…

Elena is the producer and host of the Mental Health MasterclassInflammation MasterclassMastering Trauma MasterclassThe Leaky Brain SummitYour Brain & Mental Health: What They Aren’t Telling Youand the all new Beyond The Pill Masterclass, plus the TribeTalk Podcast. Find information on these topics and more relevant to your health and holistic healing at

Are you ready for miracles in 2023? I’ve got a very special gift for you!

I don’t know about you, but this year was a wild ride for me! For many of my friends, my colleagues, clients, and me, 2022 was filled with so many new experiences, integration, new learning, complexities, massive personal growth, so much wisdom gained… and the realization that life is made up of limitless possibilities.

Whether it’s in the realm of health, healing, vitality, money, relationships, or abundance in any area of your life, we are truly only limited by what we conceive in our own minds.

Through my experiences in saving my own life, transforming my health, and creating a completely new reality for myself, I learned that a big part of realizing and experiencing success in any area of my life started with believing that it COULD happen even if my mind couldn’t conceive how at first. This is what many call FAITH. I also call it getting out of our own way and listening to our divine self, aka our gut or our heart instead of our head.

I’ve been reflecting over the holidays on all the experiences and wisdom gained in 2022. What has become a deeper awareness for me and several of my friends and colleagues is that by witnessing the miracles that can and do happen every single day, we can develop a keen understanding of the power of our awareness and use that awareness to remain focused on our desired outcomes instead of our circumstances.

You see, for many, the distraction from our vision, goals, and desires often gets clouded with the distractions that come in the form of circumstances. But the truth is, life is all about how you deal with your circumstances and how well you can stay focused on your vision and desired outcome.

For me, this has developed into a deepening of my faith and a more intimate connection with my heart’s infinite wisdom and what it has to say, rather than relying on the intellect and limited knowledge of my conscious mind.

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The stories you create in your mind create your reality

by Stacey Loop, Yoga Breath Therapist

Hello friends!

Many of you know that Dr. V. often talks about mindset as one of the most important pieces in regaining our health. She reminds us that we are not broken, and there are answers to our symptoms and health challenges. She is right!

Recently, in December, I attended the theatrical musical performance of “A Christmas Carol” in Austin, Texas, as adapted from Charles Dickens’ famous story that has been recreated for both stage and film over the years. The main character Ebenezer Scrooge serves as a great example of how mindset plays into our lifestyle, which in turn influences our relationships, and ultimately our ability to feel connection and happiness.

If you witness Scrooge with compassion, you will see him with humanity and understand his need to not “let anyone in” or show vulnerability. In the adaptation of the story to screenplay, Scrooge is shown alone at school feeling unwanted by his father after his mother has died in childbirth with him.

He was beginning to write his internal story of not being loved, worthy, or wanted. If we were to look at this from a bioenergetic perspective, his scan may have shown some energetic blocks at the heart. When I look at him from a holistic perspective, I definitely see the blocked energy of self-worth. Eventually, in young adulthood, he allows himself to love and become engaged only to postpone the wedding while hiding behind his work and needing to collect MORE. Will it ever be enough?

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MHH client Helen is overcoming a history with domestic violence to find emotional healing

I grew up in a household where there was domestic violence.

Modern Holistic Health gave me a safe space and my work with Dr. V’s team has made me more aware – my sessions have freed me from the fear of facing my emotions and now a morning meditation is the favorite part of my day. The sessions with Rosita have taken me to a quiet, calm place within myself. I can now access that quiet place within myself at will.

My mentoring and coaching with Rosita and Karla were a godsend for me and they not only started me on my journey of emotional healing but fast-tracked it!

I finally was able to get off several medications after only 9 months of working with the MHH team!

Joining the Brain/Body Mastery program helped me fill in the gaps in my understanding of how to heal my mind, body, and spirit, and has provided me with a sense of community and with the knowledge and motivation to take ownership of my health.

Taking part in the Mind – Body – Energy program has changed my life!

I am now moving forward with my life in hope rather than despair. It is difficult to fully express the impact that taking part in the program has had on my life. Thank you.

– Helen V., December 2022

Celebrating your wins to rewire your brain and see success in realizing your desires

Did you know our brains are wired to respond to rewards? Celebrating the completion of small accomplishments leads to the completion of larger goals.

According to research by Harvard Business School, people who tracked their small achievements every day enhanced their motivation.

The simple practice of acknowledging (and sharing) your progress helps you to appreciate your small wins which in turn boosts your sense of confidence.


Any accomplishment, no matter how small, releases the neurotransmitter dopamine which boosts your mood, motivation, and attention. It also starts to rewire your brain, and it sends signals to you to keep doing the activity again and again!

So… what can you celebrate today that will help you manifest your desires in 2023?

[Video] The Future of Medicine: Bioenergetics and Beyond

Dr. V reveals an exciting truth: Our thoughts, food, environment, and even our emotions and words all contain specific energy frequencies that have an immense power to create disease and suffering or the ability to heal and have total health, vitality, and abundance in every area of your life!

In this episode, Dr. V introduces the science of Bioenergetics and your body field and how the latest research shows advances in technology that are being used in medicine’s medical and genetic fields.

The future of medicine IS energy medicine! Watch this episode to learn more.

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[Video] Autism: Mycotoxins may be a root cause

Join Dr. Villanueva as she discusses mycotoxins and how it relates to autism.

Watch Now

Summits & Documentaries Logo

This month’s featured program is a part of my mission to spread lifesaving truths around the world. Together we can help as many people as possible to get their health back, their lives back, and live their lives with all the love, joy, health, and vitality they desire.

Remember, your health is in YOUR hands. So join me for some TV viewing time in the evenings to watch this month. Let’s kick up our feet, relax, learn how to be our own guarantee in life, and let’s thrive and heal together!

Dr. Elena Villanueva

What Is Quantum Healing & How Can It Maximize Your Healing Potential?

When we start getting into energy healing, some of the stuff can get a bit woo-woo, admittedly. But when it is backed by science, my ears perk up… and as a dedicated natural healer, I am reminded of this quote:

“The art of healing comes from nature, not from the physician. Therefore, the physician must start from nature, with an open mind.” – Paracelsus

My good friend Lloyd Burrell epitomizes this quote. He has started doing a lot of work in quantum healing – healing work that views the body and mind as one and acknowledges your biofield (the field of energy that surrounds your physical body) as an important player in your healing potential.

Quantum healing views these 3 parts of your body as one system – an energetic, electromagnetic system.

To heal via quantum healing means becoming a participant in the ENERGY around us. True healing means changing your state of being; it involves a shift of energy in order to correct what is wrong with the body. And the science backs this up!

Of course, you are capable of affecting the biofield directly with different energy modalities like Reiki or sound healing, but another way is to start with the mind. By shifting your consciousness, you can effectively impact the whole interconnected system to inspire healing.

How incredible is that!

—>>CLICK HERE to learn how to change your mind and change your health at The Science of Healing and Consciousness Masterclass!

Both educational and experiential, this event will bring together dozens of unique experts (many of them will be new to you!) to reveal BLOCKS to healing, along with a diversity of modalities designed to address energetic disruption that you can start using right away!

Here are some of the transformational practices and strategies you’ll learn:

→  7-day strategy to create a shift in consciousness
→  21-day process for changing your relationship with time
→  5-minute breathing exercise to promote healing
→  10-minute intention healing
→  16-minute guided qigong meditation for personal growth
→  11-minute hypnotherapy session to heal trauma
→  9-minute energy field tune-up
→  3-minute healing music session
→  Humming for improved health
→  5-minute dimension therapy session to stabilize your energy centers

→  And more!

You’ll discover and experience tools that work on an energetic level to help connect you with the power of nature, sound, and light, along with simple practices to elevate your consciousness, shift your state of being, and promote healing.

—>>CLICK HERE to learn more at The Science of Healing and Consciousness Masterclass with Lloyd Burrell!

Be sure to mark your calendar for January 16-22, 2023!

P.S. When you register for The Science of Healing and Consciousness Masterclass, you’ll also unlock early-access interviews, complimentary guides, and helpful eBooks about living your most resilient life!

What Is Quantum Healing & How Can It Maximize Your Healing Potential?

We are so excited to share with you SEVERAL NEW MASTERCLASS series for 2023!

And to top it off, Dr. V and her team will be hosting these events LIVE with interactive healing experiences each day!

“Your Brain and Mental Health… what they aren’t telling you” is our first masterclass educational series for 2023, and it is brilliant, inspiring, and best of all, it’s giving real and affordable answers and solutions that have already helped over 1 million people worldwide.

Come and be a part of this LIVE exclusive F.REE event that starts on Sunday, February 5th by registering now before the event fills up!

Our MHH EPIC January 30 Day Detox Kickoff

If you missed my recent email about our huge participation in our upcoming 7th annual detox kickoff with optional before and after labs, you can still squeak in before enrollment closes!

It’s that exciting time of year once again as we move into our annual EPIC Kickstart Detox in January of 2023. Other ads will often try to sway you with their tactical secret to detox, lose weight and improve health… (Sugar, keto, specific supplements, lectins, etc…) and they all suggest you are just missing that one simple tip or trick.

This type of marketing creates the belief that success is just one shiny object away. That you can have instant gratification.

In this very real realm of deception, I want to present my data-driven 7th Annual January Detox – where our clients have lost 5-30 pounds and up to 80 points on their cholesterol in just 30 days!

As we embrace this new year, I invite you to accept why you are where you are, where you DESIRE to be, and to do it with LOVE, GRACE, and GENTLENESS – and then let it go and step into your true potential!

I am personally inviting you and challenging you to step into your new self – the self you want to be by joining our global community and our clients as we guide you, day by day, through our EPIC January Kickoff 30 Day Detox…

AND you will have the option of ordering your BEFORE and AFTER Functional Blood Labs so YOU can use data to track your own results! They will be available for you to order during the LIVE webinar class on Feb 11th.

For those of you who have been with us for many years, you know this annual detox is a part of your lifestyle, and that this is the best time to order your before and after yearly functional blood labs so that you can track your rapid improvements over the month of your January detox.

If you are joining us for the first time, we will also offer you special discounts on your blood labs so that you too can see how rapidly your body biology can improve in such a short time!

We will kick off our Annual 30 day detox webinar during my next Inner Circle Call on Wednesday, January 11th at 6 pm Central with a LIVE Detox Masterclass taught by my amazing coaching team and me.

We will show you the SCIENCE behind how our detox works, as well as real case studies of our clients’ before and after lab results!

Then we will all prepare for and complete the 30 day challenge together.

We will send you weekly detox email support…

And don’t forget that we also have a private FaceBook group (Crusaders For Health) where we can give and receive encouragement, show each other our progress, post our struggles and successes, and even post pictures of our favorite recipes.

This 2020 EPIC detox is in high demand and always sells out, so order now to ensure your detox materials and protocols are sitting on your counter by the 11th!

Want to order your Before and After labs and learn how to interpret them to measure your improvements? You will have the opportunity to order them during the webinar on Wednesday, January 11th!

We are so excited to start 2023 off with excitement and an attitude of health, vibrancy, and self-love, and we hope you join us!

We are taking applications for our 2023 MHH Practitioners Certification Program!

  • For the last five years, Dr. V has been asked to speak on stages across the country to teach practitioners her data-driven approaches to healing from chronic illnesses, including brain related and mental health conditions.

    For the last three years, she has taken a handful of practitioners into her mentoring and training programs to teach them her proven, evidence-based, whole person approaches and protocols…

    And this year she is accepting 20 new practitioners into her program. Currently there are 14 spots left!

Dr. Mark Armbruster, DC, MHHCP Chief Practitioner, Owner Denver Vitality Center

Dr. V is an absolute gem, and I can say without a doubt that if you’re looking to learn from the best of the best in health practitioners, she is undoubtedly your go-to person.

Her intelligence and knowledge are unrivaled; she speaks truthfully and straightforwardly and keeps it simple when teaching.

Having been in practice for over 30 years myself, I have spent tens of thousands of dollars on mediocre and disorganized programs that left me feeling overwhelmed – but Dr. V has been a godsend compared to all that. Working with her made me feel more informed and empowered than ever. Her practitioner training offers individuals the ability to gain invaluable knowledge from an experienced expert who knows the industry and is passionate about helping people heal the world.

She will teach you how to effectively use body, mind, and spirit approaches in your practice while being financially successful at the same time. Her practitioners program and training covers everything from basic practice management procedures and protocols to more advanced topics, such as creating positive patient engagement models and developing quality assurance systems for customer service excellence.

What sets Dr. V apart is her unparalleled expertise in getting consistent positive outcomes with even the most complex cases and her passion for teaching others how to do the same. Not only did she generously give as much time as needed to answer any questions I had, but she continuously provided support long after my training, too – always keeping an open door for me so that I could do my best to help my patients get their health back.

On top of having an incomparable commitment to assisting me with my online success, Dr. V also has a tireless ambition to help heal people worldwide through virtual care. She currently runs a multimillion-dollar enterprise focused on providing quality health care virtually – proving that it is indeed possible to be successful while serving others selflessly at the same time!

If you’re looking to upgrade your life path of service while becoming knowledgeable in health care practices simultaneously, there really isn’t anyone better than Dr. V out there right now – My confidence levels and my practices have soared since training with her!

If you are a doctor or health practitioner who has been asking to train with Dr. V and her team, this is your chance to do it during our special pricing – good through the end of the week.

Gain confidence in your approaches, get the most detailed and comprehensive training available today, learn about the future of medicine and approaches that are affordable for your patients and clients

Dr. Greg Eckel, ND, LAc
Doctor of Naturopathic Medicine
bVital Wellness Center

I have witnessed the brilliance of Dr. Elena Villanueva’s evidence-based approach on several occasions.

The thorough work ups, complete care addressing multiple levels of a person’s being is something everyone needs to learn and put into practice.

Her unique approach to holistic health considers all aspects of a person’s life—mind, body, and energy— and this is truly holistic care. Dr. V’s approach, which also incorporates teaching, mentoring, and empowering her clients to become active participants in their own healing is inspiring. On top of this, she and her team are making a bigger impact helping thousands worldwide each year.

As a health professional myself, I can wholeheartedly say that Dr. V and the Modern Holistic Health approach is very thorough and offer one of the best approaches to healing, health, optimization, and vitality!

I highly recommend learning under Dr. Elena Villanueva’s practitioner program—you won’t regret it!

Click here for more details!

Purity In Pain Relief

As more and more people move away from “big pharma” solutions to pain relief, we are seeing an explosion of CBD products in the marketplace. And if you have tried many, as I have, you will know they are not all created equal.

When I discovered Aspen Green, I was ecstatic! Not only do they make high-quality CBD that is pure, organic, and full-spectrum, but their values and mission align with my own – including honesty, integrity, and the innate desire to really help people heal.

For a limited time, Aspen Green is offering our community 23% off their Benefit tincture line… just use code BENEFIT23 at checkout.

Don’t miss this great opportunity to try this line of CBD and start getting relief from ailments, discomfort, and unease today!

The Miracles You Are Seeking Are Seeking You

The start of each new year fills us with renewed hope. It is an external prompt for us to drop the old energy and make space for the magic that is waiting for us in the coming year.

But as the roller coaster of life picks up speed, we can lose this freshness, hope, and even miss miracles along the way.

Do me a favor…download and read this extraordinary free ebook, The 4 Biggest Mistakes that Keep You From Living a Miraculous Life.

This ebook is from my dear friends and bestselling authors, Marci Shimoff, Dr. Sue Morter, and Lisa Garr – and they’re giving it away for a very short time to help you kick off 2023 in the best and most miraculous way possible.

This ebook is a must-read if you’d like to know how to…

  • Release old energy that’s keeping you stuck in the past
  • Replace feelings of lack or unworthiness with deep and lasting self-love
  • Turn around the self-sabotaging mindset of always expecting the worst
  • Identify the people in your life who might be interfering with your desire for miracles
  • Plus so much more…

If you’re ready to have 2023 be the year you receive more miracles in EVERY area of your life, including love, health, money, happiness, passion & purpose, and success, don’t miss this opportunity to learn from these three dynamic women who have inspired and transformed the lives of hundreds of thousands of people all around the world with their teachings.

Crusaders for Health Newsletter: Edition 29
Crusaders for Health Newsletter: Edition 28
Crusaders for Health Newsletter: Edition 27
Crusaders for Health Newsletter: Edition 26
Crusaders for Health Newsletter: Edition 25
Crusaders for Health Newsletter: Edition 24
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🎁 Holiday Sale 🎁

Save on Visits, Programs, Labs, and Supplements

This Holiday, we’ve reduced the price of our Practitioner Visits, Programs, Labs, and Supplements.

👉 Click [LEARN MORE] to get the details and save now on Visits, Programs, Labs, and Supplements

🎉 Black Friday Special 🎉

62% Off Dr. V’s Most In-Depth Lab Test Bundle

For a limited time, we’ve reduced the price on our most in-depth, 4-lab bundle so you can test for over 300+ types of toxins, mold, and sensitivities that conventional tests often miss.

👉 Click [LEARN MORE] to get the details and save 62% while this advanced lab bundle is still available!