_Parasites – What they are and What To do About Them.

Many people are widely misinformed about parasites and don’t realize they are very common in the United States. In fact, almost 50% of Americans have parasites, and clinically many practitioners believe this number may be even higher. When many people think of parasites, they tend to think of them as worms like Tape Worms.  However, there are many types of parasites that infect humans.

Yes, some of them are visible worms, but many more are microscopic parasites that invade the body. People with chronic illness are usually more susceptible to parasites. Some examples of other parasites include pinworms; which are more active at night and present with symptoms of anal/rectal itching, giardia which can present as IBS and other gut issues, various other types of protozoa that can also infect humans and wreak havoc on their health include sarcodina, mastigophora, and ciliophora.  Helmiths are yet another group of organisms, some of which can also create chronic illness in people and these include roundworms, flukes, and tapeworms.


Parasites infections can come from multiple different sources.  Some of the most common sources of parasite exposure come from undercooked or raw meats and fish, unwashed produce, pets, cross contamination from an infected family member, and even by swimming in contaminated water, or drinking contaminated water.   People can also get infected from insect bites, or walking outside barefoot.

Symptoms of Parasites:

There are many various symptoms associated with parasites.  Some of them include:

1. Lack of Sleep
2. Waking up exhausted after sleeping a full night.
3. Grinding of Teeth
4. Restless Legs
5. Waking up hungry or craving sugar at night.
6. Skin issues like rashes, reddish skin, acne, etc.
7. Anxiety
8. Joint Pain, Muscle Pain
9. Easy Bruising
10. Bloating, constipation, and diarrhea
11. Heart palpitation
12. Difficulty in breathing
13. Jaw clenching


Anyone of these or a combination of these can be indicators of parasites in the body. Parasites often also create what is called biofilm that lines the intestinal walls.  This biofilm is a protective ‘slime’ that protects parasites and other infections from being identified by our immune system.  Biofilm can make a protective home for the parasites and other co-infections to live in the body and can accelerate the growth of parasites in our G.I tract.  Biofilm can make it more difficult to eliminate parasites and their co-infections and it can also create number gut issues for people.

Parasites and the Full Moon:

What people today find really strange is the relationship of parasite activity with the full moon cycle. People throughout history have associated peculiar behavior with the full moon, however there is a scientific explanation for that too.

Parasites are living creatures, and just like other creatures, they are cyclical. During the full moon our melatonin levels naturally lower which can prevent good sleep around the full moon cycle and also slightly weaken an already stressed immune system. This allows pathogens such as parasites, candida, and other infections to reproduce more rapidly.

Many practitioners who are familiar with effectively eliminating parasites from the body will teach their patients and clients to increase their dosages of their anti-parasitics during the full moon cycle.

Holistic Botanical and Herbal Remedies for Parasites:

There are a lot of holistic remedies to effectively fight parasites.  All of these remedies work very effectively in eliminating the effects of parasites, when combined in the right therapeutic dosages.  Some of the supplements you can find that are very effective include:

1. Black Walnut

Black Walnut extracts have antibacterial and antiparasitic properties and are used extensively in wormwood complex supplements.

2. Tea Tree Oil

A study found that tea tree oil at varying concentration was effective in killing lice within an hour and its eggs within 5 days.

3. Oregano Oil

Oregano oil has a long history of medicinal uses. A study has shown that taking 200 milligrams of oregano three times a day for 6 months can eliminate parasites that cause bloating, fatigue, diarrhea, and constipation.

4. Grape Fruit

Grapefruit seed extract is a potent source of antioxidants and antimicrobial properties. The bitter seed is a perfect cleanse for the smooth functioning of our digestive system. The seed can clean off bacteria, fungus, and harmful parasites.

5. Clove Oil

Clove oil contains the powerful eugenol oil, which has been researched to eliminate pathogens in the gut. It is also found to dissolve eggs left behind by worms. It is believed to be the only oil that eliminates all kinds of parasitic eggs.

7. Coffee Enema

Coffee enemas are great colon cleansers used by holistic practitioners. It helps in detoxifying the body, eliminating biofilm, and helps with constipation caused by parasite infestations.

Final Thoughts

Parasites don’t often show up in stool tests even when they are in fact, present in the body.  Working with a holistic practitioner can be a good course of action so they can help you determine if an anti-parasitic protocol would be for you.  They can also guide you as to which combination of supplements would work best for you.

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