The Top Herbs and Botanicals for Anti-aging and Longevity

The Top Herbs and Botanicals for Anti-aging and Longevity

Nature is wondrous and lush with so much to offer for those who seek its abundant bounty. Not only does nature provide us with tempting delicacies, but it also provides us with powerful remedies that can transform the way we feel and look, reverse and prevent disease, and dramatically slow the aging process.

Even with today’s conventional medicines, nature still outperforms most conventional therapies when it comes to overcoming ailments, both chronic and benign. Ancient and proven healing systems like Ayurveda and traditional Chinese medicine, and more recently Naturopathic, Holistic, and Functional Medicine are all testaments to the effectiveness of herbs and botanicals.

Despite the current noise around conventional medicine which has made many of us oblivious to the health and anti-aging benefits of some prominent herbs that have long been our friends since ancient times, many of natures’ miracles are once again reestablishing a very important place in our homes and lives. There are many botanicals and herbs that have various therapeutic uses from fighting parasites to balancing hormones. Let’s review 20 Anti-aging plant-based therapies that are taking center stage because of their therapeutic effectiveness in the realm of anti-aging.

Top 20 Anti-aging Herbs for Body and Mind Optimization


Turmeric has long been a staple of Indian cuisine, and a prominent player in Ayurveda since ancient times. It is a bright yellow spice that is popularly used in Indian curries and contains impressive components like curcuminoids and curcumin. Its antioxidant and anti-inflammatory properties are known to inhibit NF – Kappa B, which can induce the expression of pro-inflammatory genes.

This is important, as many chronic conditions like heart disease, cancer, Alzheimer’s disease, etc. are all a result of low-grade inflammation. Using Tumeric at therapeutic doses can help reduce inflammation by inhibiting some of the ‘engines’ that create inflammation in the first place. (of course, finding the root cause of the inflammation is important!).

Please note that turmeric on its own cannot be absorbed by our body completely due to its bioavailability. To increase its intake by the body, try to find one which is fermented. You can also use turmeric in combination with black pepper. Pepperdine, a substance found in black pepper, can increase turmeric absorption by our body, by up to a whopping 2000%


Ashwagandha is a popular Indian herb that is known for promoting the youthfulness of both our body and mind. Also known as Indian ginseng or Indian winter cherry, it is also an adaptogenic herb, which means it can enhance your body’s ability to tolerate stress and protect the adrenal glands.

Its antioxidant properties help against cellular damage, while also improving overall nervous and brain system functions of our body. It systematically helps in delaying aging by increasing the body’s telomerase activity by 45%.


Ginger, with its two most active components in 6-shogaol, and 6-gingerol can help prevent oxidative stress and inflammation of the body, hence reducing the chances of premature aging and other age-related conditions.

Ginger is a powerful food that can help support a number of age-related conditions, including but not limited to – diabetes, Parkinson’s disease, Alzheimer’s disease, and atherosclerosis. So feel free to use ginger as liberally as you can in your daily diet. Homemade ginger and lemon tea (hot or cold) is a favorite of many who consume ginger for its health benefits!


Cilantro and its seeds are known as coriander, have immense antioxidant properties that can have phenomenal anti-aging effects of your body. It has been proven to protect the skin from photodamage to the skin by prolonged exposure to the sun.

Cilantro leaves have long been used as detoxifying agents and can help protect your body and liver from toxins like heavy metals. If taken with probiotics, it can also protect the body against neurotoxicity from mercury exposure and even help to maintain adequate testosterone levels in males.


Cloves are flower buds that are collected from evergreen trees and are a very rich source of eugenol. Eugenol is known to have antimicrobial, anti-inflammatory, anti-cancer, antioxidant, and pain-relieving properties.

Just like other botanicals, the eugenol in cloves also possesses antioxidant and anti-inflammatory properties that can inhibit oxidative stress, thus curbing conditions associated with it like aging. Clove is also a powerful antiparasitic and antibacterial that can be combined with other antimicrobial botanicals or used on its own to eliminate infections.


Like clove, cinnamon also contains components that possess great anti-aging benefits for the human body. It contains eugenol, camphor, and cinnamaldehyde. Cinnamon is known to promote the production of collagen, which is essential against aging.

Apart from its anti-aging benefits, cinnamon can also help lower blood pressure, lower blood glucose, cure Alzheimer’s disease markers, protect the liver, reduce inflammation, and heal wounds. There are also studies suggesting it could potentially increase one’s lifespan.


Astaxanthin is a carotenoid found in algae, shrimp, lobster, crab, and salmon. It possesses potent antioxidant and anti-inflammatory properties. Astaxanthin can help support our skin by protecting it against damage caused by the sun, suppressing dark spots, and even reducing the formation of wrinkles.

In a study conducted in Japan, women were given astaxanthin or placebo for a period of 12 weeks. At the study’s conclusion, researchers found that women who took astaxanthin suffered less deterioration of skin as compared to the women who took a placebo.


Ginseng contains hundreds of phytochemicals, including ginsenosides, and is known to have potent antioxidant, anti-inflammatory, and anti-aging properties. Ginseng’s antioxidant properties can reduce oxidative stress while also offering cardioprotective properties that can aid in the prevention of arterial stiffness and support endothelial regulation.

Apart from the above, ginseng also helps:

  • Relieve the stress response in the body
  • Fight against tumor formation and growth
  • Prevent aging of cells and tissues
  • Support neurological systems
  • Boost the immune system
Milk Thistle

Milk Thistle is a flowering plant that is most popular for the role it plays in protecting our liver. It’s an active component, Silymarin, which has both antioxidant and anti-inflammatory properties that can reduce the damage caused to the liver by toxins. Silymarin also supports Phase 1 of the 3 phases of detoxification by upregulating the Cytochrome P450 pathway. Supporting Phase 1 of the detox pathways helps to prevent detox reactions when going through a detoxification.

Silymarin also increases glutathione levels that can be used by the body to help in the detoxification process, reduce systemic inflammation, and protect cells and the mitochondria, thus avoiding age-related conditions from occurring. It can also help protect your skin from potential sun damage.

Ginkgo Biloba

Ginkgo Biloba, a very popular traditional Chinese medicine, boasts of some remarkable anti-tumor and antioxidant properties that can also help protect the mitochondrial functioning of your body.

Dysfunction of the mitochondria can result in the release of free radicals and cause oxidative stress, which can damage the mitochondria and cause cellular degeneration and neuronal death of cells associated with aging.

Gotu Kola

Gotu Kola has been long known in China as the elixir of life, and quite deservedly so. Gotu Kola is said to possess properties that can revitalize the human brain and nervous system. Growing in swampy regions in most tropical and subtropical countries, it contains compounds known as saponins.

Gotu Kola has been known to promote skin health by healing wounds quickly and helping in the growth of new skin cells. It is also fascinating to note that Gotu Kola has shown more effective in improving cognitive function after a stroke than folic acid.

Green Tea

The antioxidant and anti-inflammatory characteristics of green tea help protect the skin from harmful UV rays, thus protecting skin from photodamage, premature aging, and skin cancer.

Green tea’s epigallocatechin 3-gallate (EGCG) helps increase satiety, boosts the process of weight loss, increases insulin sensitivity, and aids in regulating blood sugar level which helps in reducing the risk of developing Type-2 diabetes.

Green tea also triggers autophagy, which is basically the body’s natural process of removal and replacement of damaged or obsolete cells.


Resveratrol, which is commonly found in red grape skins, has a lot of anti-aging benefits to offer. Some of the many benefits of resveratrol include:

1. Anti-cancer properties

2. Antimicrobial properties

3. Increased nitric acid production and prevention of cardiovascular conditions

4. Sirtuin activation, which can trigger longevity

5. The breakdown of beta-amyloid plaquing in the brain

6. The support of neural tissues to aid in reducing the risk of Alzheimer’s disease


The polyphenols contained in Blueberries are known for their many healing benefits. Among fruits, none even come close to beating blueberry’s ability to protect your overall health from degenerative diseases due to its high concentration of functional compounds.

It is also important to note that it is a well-researched fact that blueberries can indeed slow cognitive aging by up to 2.5 years.

Grape Seed Extract

Derived from whole grape seed, grape seed extracts are powerful antioxidants that can promote good heart health. It is even more effective than other known antioxidants like Vitamin C and beta-carotene. Grape seed extracts have the potential of significantly reducing oxidized LDL cholesterol while eliminating free radicals due to its proanthocyanidins.

Its ability to synthesize collagen and elastin can also reduce some of the age-related damage that is often endured by the skin.


Echinacea is a flowering plant that is highly valued for its anti-inflammatory, antioxidant, and immune-boosting properties. Its topical application can reduce wrinkles on the skin while also improving skin hydration. If taken internally, it acts as a significant immune booster.

There have been studies suggesting that its benefits can also be linked with increased longevity and fighting leukemia.


Pomegranates are not only tasty but can flood your body with essential antioxidants and anti-inflammatory compounds with anti-aging benefits. Ellagitannins found in pomegranate are converted in your gut into urolithin A, which benefits the mitochondria of our cells. It is the only known compound today that can induce mitophagy (clean-up process for mitochondria) in the body.

Apart from the above, pomegranate extracts are also known to improve memory function in adults. So if you believe that your memory isn’t as sharp as it used to be, then pomegranate might be a good addition to your food regiment.


Bacopa, like all the other botanicals on this list, also possesses powerful antioxidant and anti-inflammatory properties. It is particularly beneficial in improving the health of your brain as you age.

In a study conducted on older adults who took Bacopa extracts for 12 weeks, it was found that they had improved memory, cognitive functioning, and attention. The studies suggest that Bacopa may protect the brain from age-related cognitive decline as well as oxidative damage.


Mushrooms are the greatest source of two of the most fundamental antioxidant components that protect our body from oxidative stress – they are glutathione (GSH) and ergothioneine (ERGO)

It has been found that countries with higher levels of ERGO in their diets, like France and Italy, have lower rates of neurodegenerative diseases like Parkinson’s and Alzheimer’s. Mushrooms are also very powerful anti-inflammatory foods that promote anti-aging as well as good skin health.

Rooibos Tea

Rooibos is an herbal beverage, sometimes known as red tea. It has a pleasant, sweet, and earthy taste and is made from the fermented leaves of the Aspalathus linearis shrub, which is native to South Africa.

These herbs have antioxidant, anti-inflammatory, and anti-diabetic properties and provide beneficial effects for the immune system and lipid metabolism. It has also been shown to protect the central nervous system from the damage that comes from aging.

10 Amazing Anti-Aging Herbal Remedies for Skin

The largest organ of your body has ample opportunity to absorb nutrients that are put upon it. Let’s look at some of these natural remedies that maintain or re-invigorate the youthfulness of your skin.


Astaxanthin is a carotenoid that possesses potent antioxidant and anti-inflammatory properties. It can help our skin by protecting it against damage caused by the sun, suppressing dark spots, and even reduce the formation of wrinkles.


1. Improvement in skin moisture

2. Reduced redness after sun exposure

3. Reduction in the depth of wrinkles

4. Reduction in puffiness under lower eyes after as little as two weeks of use.

Pycnogenol (Pine Bark)

The antioxidant properties of Pine Bark, which is extracted from the Pine tree, can have extremely beneficial anti-aging effects for your skin. When applied topically, it can also accelerate wound healing and reduce scar formation.

In a study, 20 menopausal women were given pine bark extract for over 12 weeks. The study found that the women had improved skin hydration and elasticity, with noticeable effects on those who have dry skin.


Boswellia is a tropical tree that is mostly found in India and Africa. It is an important source of gum resin that contains boswellic acids and pentacyclic triterpenes that possess powerful anti-inflammatory properties.

When a skin cream containing Boswellia extracts was applied to individuals suffering from skin damage due to prolonged sun exposure for 30 days, it was found that it significantly helped in improving skin elasticity and reshaping the dermal tissue.

German Chamomile

German chamomile, packed with phenomenal antioxidant, antimicrobial, anti-allergic, and pain-relieving properties, has been used for centuries as a natural remedy for many types of skin ailments. It is often a prominent ingredient in many skin care products because of its ability to overcome skin cell degeneration and free radicals in the body.

Camu Camu

Camu Camu is a shrub with berries that mostly grows in South America. It is loaded with anti-inflammatory and antioxidant properties that help in smoothing wrinkles and evening out your complexion.

It contains an impressive amount of polyphenols, flavonoids, phenolic acids, tannins, stilbenes, lignans, and vitamin C. Vitamin C, in particular, is crucial in the process of collagen synthesis to protect the skin from inflammatory and oxidative damage.

Indian Gooseberry

Just like ashwagandha, Indian gooseberry is also deemed as a Rasayana by the Ayurveda, meaning a compound useful for rejuvenation and longevity. It stimulates collagen production while protecting your skin from sun damage and reducing dark spots and wrinkles. It is also known for shrinking and unclogging of your pores, thus resulting in a smoother, fresher skin appearance.

Mango Seed Butter

Rich in vitamin C and A, mango seed butter allows for collagen synthesis and it protects the skin from premature aging, sun damage, and other forms of skin damage. It offers moisturizing and soothing benefits for your skin, thus making it look plumper and brighter.

Aloe Vera

Aloe Vera, if applied topically, can heal wounds and have a soothing effect on the skin. You can apply the gel directly from the leaves to the skin. Its vitamin and enzyme-rich properties help in skin exfoliation, and can also help in effectively healing acne.

In a study conducted on women 40 years and older, it was found that the women who applied Aloe Vera daily saw significant results in the reduction of wrinkles and improved skin elasticity.

Coconut Oil

Coconut oil is loaded with antibacterial, antimicrobial, anti-inflammatory, and anti-aging properties. If applied topically, it can help you protect your skin from sun damage, heal wounds quicker, and also help your skin look young and vibrant.

Maple Leaf Extract

Maple leaf extract skin tightening benefits have led many to call it a natural substitute to Botox, and the title is well deserved. It is estimated to contain a whopping 106 phenolic compounds, including 11 that seems to be newly discovered. The glucitol-core-containing gallotannins curb the breakdown of elastin in the skin, thus helping the skin maintain its elasticity. Maple leaf extracts are also known to lighten age spots and fight skin inflammation.

The Bottom Line

As you can see, herbs and botanicals can be a great addition to your lifestyle if you are wanting to reduce the aging process! You can find most of these herbs very easily plus you can even grow some of these on your own in your garden. When you are searching for these products, try to buy products that have one or some of the above herbs and botanicals as its key ingredients and look for the Good Manufacturing Practices (GMP) label to ensure you are purchasing a quality product. You can consult with your holistic practitioner for advice on how to use these herbs for maximum benefit to you.

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